Got back home today and downloaded the new firefox extension for roboform and it still crashes the browser 🙁
More on this weekend when I get home (Just checking some internet pages from the library and had to post this as a reminder to myself)
(Sheila – a fox thingy is a web browser like internet explorer but much better – nag Dave to install it on your computer.)
Month: July 2005
Use this link for Gmail on the axim. Going to gets the axim stuck in an endless loop. I had to get this page by loading gmail into avantgo and waiting to get redirected properly
It has been suggested by a paramedic in england that people should program a contact number into their mobile phone under ICE that they would like the emergency services to use if they were found in an accident and unable to talk. This seems a good idea and there are talks about mobile phone companies building this feature into the mobile firmware.
The only drawback I can think of is that some people have their phone locked whilst it is not in use to prevent theft which means paramedics wouldn’t be able to get to it (unless this was made available as part of the firmware updates).
The other drawback is that some incredibly stupid phones such as the Samsung that I have don’t let you have more than one contact for the same phone number. Therefore, in theory, I can’t have Kristen and ICE going to Kristen’s phone. The way around this is to program a pause at the end of one of the numbers (or add an extra digit that gets ignored by the phone system) to one of the numbers so that the numbers appear different.
I went to a job fair yesterday – the first one that I had been to. This was only for one company and I actually enjoyed the whole experience. I wasn’t sure which position to apply for, but after speaking to the employees I ended up applying for the AIX system administrator job. They seem a great company to work for and I’d certainly get some more experience in AIX.
I also have another job fair this afternoon – this time I’m going for a Windows Administrator job – it’s great to be versatile.
Now why do I have to wait 2 weeks to find out if I get a second interview or job offer? Those two weeks go really slooooooooooowwwwwwww
If you use roboform with firefox 1.0.5 you may find it crashes about 3 seconds after a web page is loaded. I’ve therefore gone back to 1.0.4 whilst I do some more digging. I’ve sent the reports off to roboform and microsoft, can’t do the mozilla ones as the talkback agent still doesn’t work.
Update I reinstalled 1.0.4 and then installed the roboform extension (I was previously using the .exe file addin. Then upgraded to 1.0.5 and boom – the browser crashed after a couple of secs. THEN the whole computer blue screened…this was not good. After a reboot I uninstalleded the roboform extension and everything is hunkydory again. Hope they fix this quick as I’ve come to rely on this extension.
Firefox 1.0.5 is available as a download to fix several security vulnerabilities. The automatic updates within firefox doesn’t pick this up yet. Thanks cdavis
By installing the greasemonkey script mentioned in Flickr: GeoTagging Flickr you get the capability to have google maps on the same page as flickr if the image has been geotagged.
Following on from my earlier install of Uniform Server, I thought I’d check to see that wordpress can be installed on the server (which it can).
Extended entry has my dummies guide to installing on Uniform which is not much different to the installation at Installing WordPress official site but may help someone.
I can now upload images in firefox again. (see this post for when it failed).
I ran firefox in safe mode using firefox -safe-mode and I was able to upload an image to flickr ok. This meant that the problem was a conflicting/corrupt/flakey extension. I went through my list of extensions and deleted some that were duplicate in other extensions and tidied up the ones I no longer needed. I removed informeter, livelines,tab clicking options, undoclosetab, sitebar and evernote extensions and the problem went away. I reinstalled sitebar and evernote (as I use these) and the browser doesn’t crash.