Blaster Scanner

Its all very well Microsoft and other companies offering a MS03-026 scanning tool to check for vulnerable computers, but they’ve all identified one Windows98 pc on my network that is vulnerable, yet 98 is not affected according to their sites. This is a bit annoying when doing a double check scan of the local network.

Microsoft Security Readiness Kit CD

At first glance, the Security Readiness Kit sounds great, with a copy of the latest service packs and bug fixes all in one place. However, its not available until Early August 2003 (erm – its 3 days from September) – I guess this is Early August in Microsoft Terminology just like Copying files only ever takes two minutes to run – and the blurb says it will have patches up to June ’03. Not very helpful with all the patches that have been released since then and all the virus hassles we’ve had in the past couple of weeks!

Hotels running Mobile Jammers?

Techdirt has post about how hotels are purchasing mobile phone jammers to force people to pay the hotel’s vastly inflated phone charges. I’ve certainly experienced going into many hotels and not having any signal on the mobile. I thought this might have been to do with the construction of the hotel such as metal skins…Having said that, I’ve also seen many hotels block or charge large connection charges to 0808 numbers which means that I cant access Onetel’s internet access for 1p a minute from the hotel.

DigiAny directory fix.

Had a reply from the makers of DigiAny to my question about the directory structures which was a lot quicker than I expected as I sent the email to them yesterday so well done Will! I’ve asked them about the registration number problem…..I’ve also discovered that passwords get truncated to 10 characters.