Just goes to show you can’t believe everything on the internet as this guy claims to have modded the original research article I posted about to include some tracking information in the first three words so he could see how quickly it spread – very quickly is the answer! I think the success of the spread was mainly due to how spooky and correct it was, and unlike most research done nowadays wasn’t obvious to everyone on the high street.
Remember my post about the dragonfly hiding? well i’ve found another closeup photography page with some close ups of a praying mantis with more photos from this series at Joe’s
Its amazing how many blogs you get a chance to read and comment on when you can’t sleep! Rob has written some software that can be uploaded to a Linksys WRT54G wireless access point that forces people to go to a html page of your choosing when they first use your access point. This is similar to the way commercial wifi providers work. You would then normally sign up for a limited period of access, but in this case you would probably acknowledge the accesspoint owners “welcome” and info page before continuing to surf. A neat hack – shame it won’t work on my netgear box although I guess it won’t be long before something like this will get hacked to work on other machines.
Report from the BBC reckons that the UK has banned Spam messages. The main flaw that I can see is that it doesn’t take effect until December, will only be of use on emails sent from the uk (ie 0.0000000001% of spam) and will not count for business address’s. Whats the point of excluding business address’s when there is so much screaming about the millions of pounds being wasted by staff having to deal with spam emails? Does that mean sending to sales@ or info@ is a loophole spammers could exploit as they could claim they are sending it to a business address? With the catchall facility most emails have, then emails to these address’s are going to get through. This is similar to the ICSTIS stance on spam sms messages to the mobile where they won’t take action on complaints i’ve made because its a business mobile (as if the sms messages were business related OR the spammer realised it was a business mobile? Likely story).. I really wish the people who lived in the Ivory towers of lawmaker land would open their doors and get some real life experience!
It made the news on several places when email was banned at Phones4U. Seeing as though its a phone company you would have thought they’d have rung each other up anyway! Apparently the boss reckons they waste too much time being tied to email so he’s banned internal emails. From what I’ve seen from the emails that have been sent to me by someone working there (he no longer works there) most of the emails are likely to be funny jokes and flash cartoons and links to more of the same on web pages. It will be interesting to see if they move towards Instant Messaging – something we are looking at, informally, at the office with remote users starting to use it to communicate instead of email.
The BBC have a page where people can write in with their experiences on the hurricane. Most people seem to say its just hyped up a lot. I’m particularly interested in this one as it is expected to hit right where we went on holiday 2 years ago in North Carolina, so the towns they mention, such as Kitty Hawk, are places that I know (its where I learnt to hang-glide)
After commenting on my post with the letters jumbled up, I visited Infinite Diversions and came across a load of optical illusions. Some of them are really freaky, others don’t seem to do anything, and others just give you a headache!
With the combination of at least 6 browsers that I need my bookmarks kept in sync, NetSignet might do the trick – I’ll play with it later.
From techsupportalert newsletter:-
“Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.”
How weird was reading that?
Feedster are announcing 30 features, one a day are to be released. I liked the comment made that someone said ah…..features – we used to call them bugs. Worth keeping an eye on!