UK bans spam – or has it?

Report from the BBC reckons that the UK has banned Spam messages. The main flaw that I can see is that it doesn’t take effect until December, will only be of use on emails sent from the uk (ie 0.0000000001% of spam) and will not count for business address’s. Whats the point of excluding business address’s when there is so much screaming about the millions of pounds being wasted by staff having to deal with spam emails? Does that mean sending to sales@ or info@ is a loophole spammers could exploit as they could claim they are sending it to a business address? With the catchall facility most emails have, then emails to these address’s are going to get through. This is similar to the ICSTIS stance on spam sms messages to the mobile where they won’t take action on complaints i’ve made because its a business mobile (as if the sms messages were business related OR the spammer realised it was a business mobile? Likely story).. I really wish the people who lived in the Ivory towers of lawmaker land would open their doors and get some real life experience!