Linksys Wireless NIC

I’ve had the misfortune to have to reconfigure an xp machine with a linksys WPC54G pcmcia card and it is awful. Sitting in the lounge it very rarely connects to my netgear wifi hub upstairs. It keeps asking me for the wep key and doesn’t connect even though the signal strength is about 60%. However if I leave it long enough or walk up the stairs, the card kicks in and then I can walk back downstairs again and use wifi ok…..until I need to reboot. As I am doing a reinstall, there are lots of reboots – about 4 for windows updates, Norton Internet Security has needed about 4 (and its still not finished) and I’m sure other software has also needed reboots. Hopefully the performance will be better when the linksys card is partnered with the adsl gateway that has been purchased – I’ll find out later this week (as I have two installs scheduled this week!)

it’s a long way to tipperary…

but its even longer for the journey between Trondheim, Norway and Haugesund, Norway. According to Microsoft’s mapsend, the quickest journey is 1685.9 miles, takes 47 hours and goes into at least 5 countries and three ferries – all to travel the 500mile (straight line) distance.
I wondered what would happen if you took the shortest distance and you do a 390mile jouney taking 51 hours and traveling across 2 ferries to the uk and back!
Thanks to Urban Legends Reference Pages: Computers (The Long Way Home)

Changing outlook2k3 offline address books.

We’ve been having various problems with outlook2k3 when the clients have been synchronising with the server. The error message that they are getting either contains 0x80040115 or 0x8004011D. This only happens when the offline address book is being downloaded. Unfortunately, the address book that they are trying to download is from a server that no longer exists and in the “home domain” of the client desktop machine. What they should really be downloading is the addressbook that is stored on the new exchange server. I spent a couple of hours searching on google and following lots of dead ends before starting to investigate further into the realms of registry, user profiles and permissions…….See more for the fix.

>3GB mem in Exchange on w2k3

I knew about the /GB switch with exchange as there was more than 1GB line on the machine but I didn’t know about the The /USERVA Switch
switch. I do now though!
What I’d like to know is that if you MUST put this in the boot.ini why doesn’t the installation program do it for you? I wouldn’t have thought it would be difficult to check the OS and the memory capacity and edit a boot.ini or at least warn you in a popup that you need to do it.

Reasons to be Comment spam 3 2 1 zero

Google announced yesterday that they will not consider links in a webpage if surrounded by a nofollow tag. The upshot of this is that comments can be surrounded by the nofollow tag and google will not consider these links in pageranking. When I first read this it sounded a great solution to the commentspam problem. If everyone follows this solution, then there will be little point in doing the spam and hopefully it will stop – but therein lies the problem – everyone needs to follow it. Scoble reports that already MSN and yahoo have announced they will also use this tag. Also interesting that they’ve done this in a couple of days/hours as opposed to having to use a committee to do it.
It will be something that I’ll be looking at putting in my MT implementation soon (details from their news page on how to do this) – when I get some time!

Learning MT and RSS

I’m trying to work out how to include a RSS feed into an index page of one of my blogs and came across Learning Movable Type: Simple RSS Customizations. Although it has not yet provided me with an answer, it has provided me with some more reading to do on other rss matters.
rssparsers might be handy for doing work outside of MT but the best source I found so far was mt-rssfeed plugin but I have not got that working yet. But it’s late and I need to go to bed so I will try again another night.

Gmail Tips

Dave has his Gmail Tips – The Complete Collection in one place and makes some very helpful and useful tips. For instance, I didn’t know that you could use [email protected], replacing something with tags so you can track your email. I do something very similar at the moment with my domain but this will be handy for gmail. I’ve actually started using this for my testing now – any emails with +test now go directly to my testing label category and do not appear in my inbox.
I have a couple of invites left if anyone wants one btw.
Update Not all the tips are valid now – the unread label doesn’t work as thats included automatically but its still worth the 15 minute read to find out something new.

Picasa 2 available

Google have released a new version of picasa according to theGoogle Blog. Although I downloaded the original Picasa I must admit I didn’t use it much, mainly as I didn’t take the time to understand how to use it. I use paintshoppro almost exclusively for my editing and organise pictures into “albums” by storing them in directories on the disk or in my web page gallery
Interesting that the check for updates in the old version of picasa didn’t know there was a new version to download.

PS If you do download it, then read the readme.html file as it tells you want they spent time programming and the new features.