Tag Archives: office365

Fixed: Failed_To_Auto_Discover_Domain error shows up when trying to administer Microsoft Teams in Office365

A week or so ago I was trying to administer a new Office365 Tenant in preparation for an Office365 migration. Part of the process is to configure the various services to reduce the security risk due to unauthorised sharing of files etc.

Attempting to log into the Teams admin interface gave me the worst error message of “Something has happened” when clicking on the Teams admin link as per the screenshot below. Not only is the Error devoid of anything useful but it’s inaccurate as actually *Nothing* has happened.Something has happened.  Failed_to_Auto_Discover_Domain. Error message when trying to administer Teams without a licence

The error code FAILED_TO_AUTO_DISCOVER_DOMAIN was misleading – it has nothing to do with the autodiscover record.

It turns out that the admin interface for Teams only works if you have at least one user with a Teams licence.  I didn’t have any as this was a new Tenant and the only users in the system are currently Global Admins that don’t have any licences assigned to them.  Once a licence was applied and 5 minutes had gone by (with a successful Teams login) I was then able to login and make the required settings.


Office365 Exchange Control Panel now has command logging for admins.

Help Button, Show command logging.One of my annoyances with Office365 administration tasks was that I could make changes to the interface but had no idea what commands were being run behind the scenes. This made creating scripts a frustrating trial and error attempt at finding the correct verbs to run.
However, this morning I stumbled under the Help/Show Command Logging option in the admin panel. This is similar to the Show command output that was available in the Exchange 2010 admin console that I used extensively in the good old on-premise days.

I have no idea how long this has been here but it really made my day.

Now if only the rest of the Office365 admin panels had the same functionality.

Retrieve Mailbox Migration errors for Office365

When you have a lot of mailboxes to migrate, Microsoft’s provided method of viewing the errors involves a tedious amount of clicking by logging into the portal, selecting Exchange, Migration, View details, scroll down to find a failure, select the user, click view details.

Viewing Migration status in Office365


Rather than use the tedious method of going into the details, selecting a user and then viewing details, run the following powershell script (once connected using the previous office365 connection script)

get-migrationuser -status failed  | get-migrationuserstatistics | select identity,emailaddress,recipienttype, error,bytestransferred |export-csv c:\temp\migrationstatus.csv

I also have a simple loop that gets me the status once an hour. Obviously change the email address’s appropriately.

while (1)
$a=(get-migrationuser | out-string)
send-mailmessage -to [email protected] -subject “Company Migration Stats” -from [email protected] -smtpserver my.mailserver.com  -body $a
start-sleep -seconds 3600

Fixed – Office365 journalling does not work for one user

I’ve been working on a case with Microsoft’s Office365 support for several weeks trying to find out why email sent *to* a particular user was not being journalled. All the other mail seemed to be journalled to the external recipient, email from the user was working, just not email to that user.

The experience was quite frustrating as Microsoft’s support were terrible at calling back and could not grasp the concept of email tracking. Their solution after making a change was to wait a day to see if it was fixed although it was quite apparent that the Microsoft servers were not even trying to send the email (by looking at the Trace Logs you can see what email was being sent and received).

After checking the connectors were setup, mail properly scoped, the user had no rules on their mailbox, Microsoft’s solution was to delete the mailbox and reset it up again.  Not so easy when the mailbox/user is federated with Active Directory and the user happens to be the owner of the company. That was not a conversation I was going to have with them!

The only thing that was different with this user was that in troubleshooting this issue we had set the user up to receive the journalling non delivery reports. I figured that if the emails were not being delivered, maybe sending him the errors would help. However no reports were being received either.  However, according to KB 2829319 this behaviour can be seen. Although I had removed the journal receipient in the web gui, the emails were still not being journalled until I added another external email address to the configuration using the powershell command set-transportconfig -JournalingReportNdrTo [email protected]

At this point, all the email started to be journalled.

Note that we only added the recipient into the mix when I was trying to work on the initial problem so it looks like this wasn’t the only fix.

The other thing we did was change the outboundconnector to be onpremises. Changing the setting in the GUI we then ran Set-OutboundConnector archivemymailconnector -routeAllmessagesviaonpremises $true.


These two combinations seemed to fix the issue.

One thing I also learnt was that it is really useful to send multiple emails between changes and keep the subject line starting the same. Use the date/time at the end of the email. That way you can sort the email logs by Subject and just pick out the ones you were working on. By having the subject start with zzz followed by Round X (ie zzz Round 1 – change connector – 1345pm and zzz Round 1 – change connector 1346pm ) then the results are likely to appear at the end of your mail logs if you sort by subject.  Sorting by Date was not always a good idea as mail flow could occur between mail coming into the server and mail leaving the server.


Retrieve user friendly list of users who have full access to a particular mailbox in Office365

We had a request to provide a list of users who have Full access to a mailbox in Office 365. The get-mailboxpermission is pretty straightforward, but the results show the Windows username as opposed to the descriptive name for the user. The following script should provide the information needed. Note that the first 3 lines connect to Microsoft Online (you will be prompted for username and password) – the last two are the magic ones. Replace “User name” with the users first and last name ie “Andy Helsby” in my case

$LiveCred = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.outlook.com/powershell/ -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session

$userlist = Get-Mailbox "user name" | Get-MailboxPermission | Where-Object { ($_.AccessRights -eq "Fullaccess") -and ($_.IsInherited -eq $false) -and -not ($_.User -like "*nt authorityself*") }
$userlist | foreach {get-mailbox $_.user}

If I can work it out, I’ll update the script later to provide a report for all mailboxes – in the meantime this works for 1 mailbox at a time.

Funnily enough, this report didn’t actually help the reason we were asked for the report – that was because the user had issues connecting to someone else’s mailbox. It turns out that the Microsoft Online password had been changed and outlook was using the cached credentials. By removing the stored passwords in the control panel, Outlook prompted for the password and everything started working.