I think we’ve just purchased a house! Kristen saw a really nice house yesterday and I went back with her last night to look at it and it really was as good as she was raving about. We put an offer in that was accepted an hour or so ago and Monday we go back to the realtor for yet more paperwork. We also need to organise the inspection, title people, mortgage people and bank people and all that stuff (and find a ride on lawnmower) so its going to be a very busy week next week.
One of the best things about the house is that Kristen and I have agreed on the choice of houses all along – we’ve not had the stress of one of us liking one house and the other hating it – just shows how much alike we are and how perfect we are for each other….now onto some less sappy stuff 🙂
I’m actually surprised I’ve managed to blog this before Kristen has, but she has got more excitement lined up as she is now looking for a car!