The newest house owner in Ohio?

I think we’ve just purchased a house! Kristen saw a really nice house yesterday and I went back with her last night to look at it and it really was as good as she was raving about. We put an offer in that was accepted an hour or so ago and Monday we go back to the realtor for yet more paperwork. We also need to organise the inspection, title people, mortgage people and bank people and all that stuff (and find a ride on lawnmower) so its going to be a very busy week next week.
One of the best things about the house is that Kristen and I have agreed on the choice of houses all along – we’ve not had the stress of one of us liking one house and the other hating it – just shows how much alike we are and how perfect we are for each other….now onto some less sappy stuff 🙂

I’m actually surprised I’ve managed to blog this before Kristen has, but she has got more excitement lined up as she is now looking for a car!

Yet another hotfix requested

In the 2 months I’ve been working I’ve had to request 3 different hotfixes which is pretty amazing seeing as though I think I’ve only ever requested 2 in the past 10 years!
The latest is to fix a patch where you can’t set folder redirection and customize the Internet Explorer settings via group policy on an xpsp2 machine. If you try, then you get the message “The Group Policy client-side extension Internet Explorer Branding failed to log RSOP (Resultant Set of Policy) data. Please look for any errors reported earlier by that extension.” (event id 1091)
The hotfix is documented in kb article 888254 and I’m waiting for Microsoft to pick up the phone so I can request the hotfix.
Eventually the phone was picked up and I spent 10 minutes painfully talking to someone who actually sounded just like one of those automated phone systems. All the accents were on the wrong syllables and it was just painful. Still I’ve got the hotfix.

caution on a USB KVM switch

Be careful if you buy a Belkin USB KVM switch as although they say they work with all usb keyboards, what they really mean is that they work with all usb keyboards that don’t have usb hubs in them – so the keyboards that come with dell computers will not work – which is annoying as the whole reason that we got the kvm switch is because the dell keyboards were usb!

Quietest 5th November ever….almost

Last night was (almost) the quietest Guy Fawkes night I’ve ever had as there wasn’t a firework to be heard, not even a sparkler sizzling. I think I wouldn’t have missed it until someone mentioned the date and I read some blogs about their firework plans.
I say it was almost the quietest night as at about 10.30 loads of teenagers across the road started to make a racket about something – whether a party they were having was finished (unlikely) or just starting (probable) I’m not sure but this was the same house that got toilet papered on Friday night. (The first time I’d seen a house get toilet papered)

Google pays to refer firefox….

In a surprising move, google are now paying adsense people to push the installation of firefox with the google toolbar – $1 for each new installation of firefox with the google toolbar….now if only I could persuade all my clients to install it 🙂
I must admit that there only seems to be a couple of reasons for using the google toolbar with firefox (as most of the functionality seems to be there already). The one thing I do like is the automapping that it can do (clicking on an address to get a map – but I’m sure there is an extension or greasemonkey script to do this already.

Symantec Tamper Protection a waste of time?

Since I’ve been using Microsoft’s Virtual Server every time that I start the server up I get an error message from Symantec Corporate Edition entitled Symantec Tamper Protection Alert. Apparently the vmh.exe file is triggering the tamper protection and is allegedly being blocked by symantec….. However, the server seems to behave quite perfectly with having its .exe files blocked and the only visible side effect is a very annoying popup box that insists on being the topmost window complaining about the attempts (96+ per launch) I’ve not found anything on the web or google about this although I know I’m not the only one to have the error message