Yet another hotfix requested

In the 2 months I’ve been working I’ve had to request 3 different hotfixes which is pretty amazing seeing as though I think I’ve only ever requested 2 in the past 10 years!
The latest is to fix a patch where you can’t set folder redirection and customize the Internet Explorer settings via group policy on an xpsp2 machine. If you try, then you get the message “The Group Policy client-side extension Internet Explorer Branding failed to log RSOP (Resultant Set of Policy) data. Please look for any errors reported earlier by that extension.” (event id 1091)
The hotfix is documented in kb article 888254 and I’m waiting for Microsoft to pick up the phone so I can request the hotfix.
Eventually the phone was picked up and I spent 10 minutes painfully talking to someone who actually sounded just like one of those automated phone systems. All the accents were on the wrong syllables and it was just painful. Still I’ve got the hotfix.


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