Even James Bond would be impressed at a £100 car that clocked 480 mph. Sadly it shows how unreliable speedcameras can be.
Kelly posted some Fall pictures yet in the uk we’ve skipped autumn and gone straight to winter as seen by Reflective Reality’s post and my comments. I am hoping to get some nice falling leave shots this weekend (as long as there are some leaves left to fall by then)
Like Kelly our animals gave us some hassles this weekend too. Although we don’t have a dog to run away, we do have three cats, and Basil (probably) decided that he didn’t want to eat the cat food we had left them, but instead he’d rather hunt out the fish food that was shrink-wrapped in plastic, inside a cardboard box, inside a carrier bag. Once he had opened it, he proceeded to pour it on the floor, eat some of it, and traipse the rest of it all over the kitchen. The smell of it was the worst though – the kitchen stunk!
The BBC have a page where people can write in with their experiences on the hurricane. Most people seem to say its just hyped up a lot. I’m particularly interested in this one as it is expected to hit right where we went on holiday 2 years ago in North Carolina, so the towns they mention, such as Kitty Hawk, are places that I know (its where I learnt to hang-glide)
From techsupportalert newsletter:-
“Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.”
How weird was reading that?
You know how annoying it is when you drop the toast and it lands butter side down on the floor on your foot? Well think yourself lucky you don’t work for Lockheed Martin and have butterfingers as I think even your steel capped shoes would not help much when you drop a satellite on the floor. Thanks Reflective Reality
Angela and Mike took some really neat photos of some chalk drawings on I670. Thanks for posting these Angela!
According to the Guardian, the BBC will soon provide free archives to their material seeing as though us licence payers have already paid the fee’s! It will be interesting to see if they block access to foreign internet users who won’t have paid any fee’s though.
According to the Guardian, the BBC will soon provide free archives to their material seeing as though us licence payers have already paid the fee’s! It will be interesting to see if they block access to foreign internet users who won’t have paid any fee’s though.
It was London’s turn for a powercut yesterday, occuring at 6.20pm, right in the middle of rushhour. Thankfully though most places got power back after 30 minutes and power fully restored after 2.5 hours. Government ministers are squawking noises demanding to know how it happened but noone mentioned that at least it wasn’t as bad as America’s blackout with only a few areas of London affected.