Month: November 2003

Mp3 player alternative

I said I would get Kristen a mp3 player for her birthday but we’ve been waiting until we’re in the states before we get it as they are about 33% cheaper. Looking at the players, there didn’t seem to be many that would use compact flash cards, which is a shame as our camera and pda uses this format. Whilst we were in compusa we looked at the Sony NetMD minidisk players which for $100 (same price in pounds in the uk) gives you a lot more playing time on a single disk and the advantage is that you can have multiple disks with music on instead of having to format the drive and reload all your music each time you want a new playlist….thats the goodnews. The bad news is that the software that enables you to load the music onto the netMD does not work with Windows98 first edition (guess what we are running here!) – that is one major disadvantage (along with the fact that you need to load any software in the first place – thumbdrive mp3 players just appear as another disk). So we have to wait a couple of weeks before we can use it 🙁

Installing xp

This weekends fifth wave cartoon shows someone being reminded of installing XP, something I am going to have to do in a couple of weeks time when the parents-in-law new computer arrives. Not only will I have to install, tweak and patch XP, I’m also going to have to connect it up to RoadRunner cable and also migrate all their data from the old machine to the new one – Something I’m not looking forward to doing. I should have brought my crossover network cable with me so I could do it all over the network but instead I’ll either have to plug the hard disk from the old machine into the new one, or go get a network cable and hope I can get the two machines talking to each other.

SlimServer audio

Hoorah! I now have streaming audio from my pc at home to anywhere I fancy using Slim Devices SlimServer Software. This is free software you put on the machine that has your mp3 files on, you connect with a mp3 player to http://ipaddress:9000/stream.mp3 and then use a web browser at http://ipaddress:9000 to control what songs, playlists,internet radio stations or sounds are played remotely. (and no I don’t have it streaming across the internet just yet so don’t bother trying it).
It works great and after I told it not to use itunes as the music database it even picked up the new cd that I ripped for Kristen.

Hotmail new look coming soon

According to the spam email I’ve received from hotmail staff, hotmail is getting a new look later this month and I can click a link to see a preview….All clicking on the link gives me is the same page telling me about a preview…so sneaky even I can’t see it.
Update You need ie to view it which is why nothing happened in Firebird.

Microsoft Protect page.

Microsoft have a short url for their protection page – just go to for advice on protecting your pc with firewalls, updates and anti-virus software. Useful link, for beginners, because one of the options is “how do I know what operating system I have” – as so many times I hear I am running Word, or Microsoft or Windows. The advice on firewall’s links to the new ComputerAssociates firewall that I blogged about earlier too.