
Firefox 1.0.5 crashes with roboform

If you use roboform with firefox 1.0.5 you may find it crashes about 3 seconds after a web page is loaded. I’ve therefore gone back to 1.0.4 whilst I do some more digging. I’ve sent the reports off to roboform and microsoft, can’t do the mozilla ones as the talkback agent still doesn’t work.
Update I reinstalled 1.0.4 and then installed the roboform extension (I was previously using the .exe file addin. Then upgraded to 1.0.5 and boom – the browser crashed after a couple of secs. THEN the whole computer blue screened…this was not good. After a reboot I uninstalleded the roboform extension and everything is hunkydory again. Hope they fix this quick as I’ve come to rely on this extension.

Image uploading again.

I can now upload images in firefox again. (see this post for when it failed).
I ran firefox in safe mode using firefox -safe-mode and I was able to upload an image to flickr ok. This meant that the problem was a conflicting/corrupt/flakey extension. I went through my list of extensions and deleted some that were duplicate in other extensions and tidied up the ones I no longer needed. I removed informeter, livelines,tab clicking options, undoclosetab, sitebar and evernote extensions and the problem went away. I reinstalled sitebar and evernote (as I use these) and the browser doesn’t crash.

Firefox crashes after image upload

Grrr – firefox crashes after I’ve uploaded a file to a website. Happens on geocaching.com, this blog and on Microsoft’s site uploading a bug report. Very annoying as the whole browser crashes 🙁 Not sure what has caused this, probably some faulty extension or something. (It happens when the page you get after uploading a file is displayed). I’ve sent several reports back to Microsoft and the mozilla group, but the latter is annoying as most of the time the bug reporting application seems to freeze too 🙁

Google earth and display driver.

I’ve never had my display driver blue screen and not respond, but this morning it happened for the first time. Using Google Earth I was exploring Australia when all of a sudden the mouse and keyboard stopped working and the computer beeped. About 20 seconds later I got a fault in the display and it went back to a 640*480, 16 colours resolution, told me to reboot and then send the error report to Microsoft. Immediately after sending the error report I get sent to their analysis page which tells me that a Microsoft analyst has investigated this problem and they don’t have a solution and that I should contact Intel for a solution…..hmmmmm I wonder how much of that is true. Apparently you can track this problem and get notified when/if they update a solution – apart from the fact that the wizard fails saying the page can’t be found.

Bug with latest xp patches applied.

After I rebooted the pc this afternoon I got an error with svchost.exe. On reporting it to microsoft with a click of the button I got a message “The error “Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Error” occurs after you start or restart your computer.
The error appears in computers with Windows XP Service Pack 2 and security update 873333 (MS05-012) installed. We do not expect this experience to harm your data or the performance of your computer.”
Oops! FIX: Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Error

WMI ADAP was unable to process….

Sorry Danny, you will definately need to skip this post! One of the PC’s in the office is taking 5 minutes to boot up – this is a fairly new pc and shouldn’t take *that* long to boot. Quick look in eventlog gave me the error “WMI ADAP was unable to process the performance library due to a time violation in the function”. Entering this into Event ID gave me the solution to run winmgmt /clearadap which drops back to a chevron point but reduced login time by 50%. Now to work out what is causing the rest of it (Intel Pro network service seems the next culprit)

How to change the file:// protocol application

Anyone have any ideas on how to change the application that is launched when the pointer is something like file://c:\temp\fred.html ? One of the desktops at work has Firebird installed as their browser and when we use teamcalendar in outlook, the web page opens in Firebird (which won’t work due to ocx problems). I need to open it in Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer HAS been set as the default web browser, and http:// web pages come up in ie ok. file ones insist on launching in firebird. the file types option in Explorer doesn’t seem to handle the file:// option so I can’t work out what I need to change.

Windows XP file & settings wizard

Tried to migrate data using the File And Settings Transfer Wizard (FAST) on 98 machine but the software kept failing when it came to import the data saying that it could not find the required data necessary. After running Windows Update on the machine (which had *loads* of updates necessary) the same settings worked ok after a new wizard disk was created and run on the machine. Apparently one of the patches to XP solves certain bugs and issues including FAST ones.