Garmin find functions in City Select

Garmin really ought to put some more work into their search functions within City Select/Navigator. In order to find the address 123 N Main St, Marysville, Ohio you actually need to search for “Main” and then scroll down through the many choices until you get to N Main St. At that point it will then be able to find this particular address. However, if you try to search for N Main Street it will not find any results for 123 N Main St. How weird is that? The GPS works in a similar way but you can also include the city to search for if you use the menu option to include city filtering (well worth switching on as I later found out!)
Incidentally the address I just gave is not where I needed to be which is a music shop.
However, I do like the City Select better than the City Navigator as you have much smaller map segments – which now means I have loaded all the surrounding area of Columbus onto the 24mb memory instead of being limited to 25% of ohio, most of which I’d never go to.

Garmin support pt2.

I finally managed to get hold of Garmin on Friday afternoon and found out the reason I was having the problem is that the licence code for the software (and the outer packing) was for Garmin City Select. However the dvd was for Garmin City Navigator. Therefore the activation code did not match the software and that is why it didn’t work – it would have been nice if it had told me that. I had to wait about 20 minutes on hold first thing Friday morning but apparently first thing is the best time to ring them. The annoying thing was that I didn’t realise that it was first thing (8am) CENTRAL time – so I had to wait an extra hour before ringing them. Fortunately I had some work that I could do whilst hanging on the phone.

Garmin support =not good.

I posted this on my caching blog – Not very happy with Garmin at the moment….

The Legend GPS arrived last night and I eagerly tried to install the software – installing the software on the computer worked great – unfortunately the product activation does not work and I can’t install the maps to the gps. The activation runs through the process, tells me there is an unlock code, but doesn’t actually unlock it. Garmin’s phone support is only open 8-5 – whilst I am working which is useless if they want me to try various things on the computer as I’m not going to be there.
I managed to get lunch at home today so called them – there’s currently a 30 minute wait. So I thought i’d email them – their autoreply on the website states that the response time is 5-7 business days! What sort of response is that to customers? I’ve purchased software that i want to use NOW – not next week.
If you are going to do product activation like Microsoft does, then at least have the support to provide activation 24/7 so your customers can use something they have paid for.


Huh – I go outside to get stuff into the car for a picnic tonight and all of a sudden the tornado sirens go off. Apparently Dublin is in the path of a severe storm that could develop into tornado’s. I’m really not sure if a picnic is a good idea or not….