Installing a hardware firewall.

I wouldn’t have thought that organising an adsl modem to work in conjunction with a hardware firewall would be that difficult. But I’ve been receiving conflicting advise over what routers/functionality needs to be installed. All I need is an router/modem that is effectively invisible to the firewall so it thinks it is connected to the internet and can get on with its filtering,vpn’s and protection. However I am being ignored by BT, the company we are probably going to buy Broadband from (yet another reason to not use them – if they are this bad when we *want* to spend some money with them I hate to think what they will be like when we have a problem), our existing firewall support won’t help unless we buy one particular make of router and get broadband from one particular supplier, and the firewall company won’t help as they say its the resellers problem – so back to square one…..Almost makes me want to go to dialup modem! The fact that we can’t order broadband until the physical line is installed and live also makes a mockery of the whole broadband ordering process.

Sorry Kristen!

I didn’t get round to blog the fact that yesterday was our two million, one hundred and three thousand, eight hundred and fortieth wedding anniversary (in minutes in case you were wondering). I’ll leave you to work out how many years that was. We went to TGI’s for a meal which was ok – food was nice but service could have been better and it was very noisy – not the best place for a romantic evening meal 🙂

Blackout in America….

When I first heard about the Power failures hit US and Canada it was mentioned on WorldNewYork who was rather cryptic about his reasons for not having power and my first thought was that there had been another sept 11 type of bombing! It was quite a relief (to me sitting thousands of miles away!) that this wasn’t the case and it was *only* a power cut – but what a power cut. Apparently the biggest in the history of the states and affecting more than 50 million people.
Being the computer tech, I’d just love to know how all the Disaster Recovery companies coped with everyone calling them to get their servers online QUICK. I know of at least two bloggers who are probably affected, or at least their blogs are down right now – (not including WorldNewYork who used a dialupmodem, torch and laptop to post! His pictures really are worth looking at too.)

There are also some good photos taken by phone at with some pretty funny comments with them too.

SUS version 2 beta…..

I received an invitation to join this beta today. Among the advertised highlights are –
Support for Windows, Office, SQL, and Exchange patches
Reporting capabilities – deployment status about download, install and impacted machines.
Ability to uninstall patches that support uninstall
More Administrative controls – patch install, uninstall, install by a deadline, and configurable client polling intervals.
Targeting of different updates to administrator defined groups of machines.

They should really have been in version 1!