bluejackQ nicely explains what BlueJacking is and how to do it. I’m going to try doing it tonight at the yfriday concert.
Month: November 2003
The best source for a Offline NT password & reg-editor with a link to how to change the password for a Domain Controller
Although I don’t use outlook express and stopped using Cloudmarks spamnet with outlook when they went to the pay model, the beta version of Cloudmark’s Spamnet for outlook express is now available to download and use.
Yes I know some people might ask why you would want multiple Internet Explorer versions but it is useful when testing webpages for compatibility. More information also at A Whole Lotta Nothing
Yes I know some people might ask why you would want multiple Internet Explorer versions but it is useful when testing webpages for compatibility. More information also at A Whole Lotta Nothing
The Shrek2 trailer is out and is very funny. Puss in Boots sounds good.
Installed my new Liteon 411DVD drive last night. (This marketing blurb also tells me the 48X speed of cdwriting which I’ve not been able to find anywhere else).Took me ages as I wanted to move my hard drives around and make the dvd drive the secondary master. In the midst of doing so I managed to remove the settings for the Western Digital WD800JB hard disk from the bios which sets it to be about 500mb instead of 80GB. This was to get around the bios hanging everytime you went into setup or checked to see what disks were available. Details on what I needed were eventually found at Alternative Bios settings.
Today I installed the software for the drive which unfortunately does not include Nero. The scary thing was that the readme said that if you use multisessions and write over 4GB of data on W2k/XP then you can loose the rest of the data. Microsoft have a FIX: Multi-Border DVD with More Than 4 GB of Data Not Readable Past First Border but I’d recommend installing Service Pack 4 which contains this patch.
Flashed the bios of the drive to the latest available firmware but it still looks like the drive isn’t region free.
The Register reports that there are plans afoot to broadcast more HitchHikers Guide to the Galxy on the radio. Can’t wait.
Apparently Red Hat is to drop linux support next year. A scary prospect for linux users with this and Mandrake’s money troubles. At least with Microsoft there is always another product you can upgrade too 🙂
Even James Bond would be impressed at a £100 car that clocked 480 mph. Sadly it shows how unreliable speedcameras can be.