Month: November 2003

AVG errors

AVG caused a boot failure on Kristen’s machine this afternoon with a “Causeway error 09: Unrecoverable exception – program terminated” error message which caused Win98 to either hang completely or to run incredibly slowly. Looking on google, causeway is a dos extender program written yonks ago. In the end I booted into safe mode and uninstalled avg.Rebooted and the machine is ok. I’m now downloading Bitdefender which I have mentioned in the past but never got round to using…..until now.

the weekend was great….

…and now I’m shattered. A great concert on Friday night, but no BlueJacking as there were no phones switched on before,during or after the concert. I did show a couple of other people how its done though. Saturday was a wedding down in Bath, followed by walking around bath Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning taking loads of pictures. Since Friday night we’ve taken over 250 photo’s. That will take some organising and uploading!


I was trying to find this on my work computer after reading about it at home but couldn’t find it anywhere. it’s a 500kb email client. Great for putting on a usb disk (or floppy for those woefully behind the times) and checking email whereever you are. I’ve had a VERY quick play with MemeCode’s Scribe and will use it more when I’m back in the office on Thursday.