Guster shows.

The bloke of Netbloke, mentioned the band Guster with a link to their site. Their site is pretty interactive with a lot of flash bits but using flash well rather than just because. The diary is annoying in that it opens each day in a new page, but the audio player is pretty good. You can listen to full tracks via the flash interface with a neat “birds eye” way of playing the tracks. The bird is also used for navigation a lot and just try clicking it on the main page. AND the best bit is for the short-of-cash people you can download live shows from and live shows always make the best recordings of an album.


  1. John

    DO you have any idea why on the archive they have no guster shows in chicago. When they play in Chicago, they clearly have the best shows. Do you have any idea when they might update it?

  2. Me

    Afraid not as I have nothing to do with Guster, but if you go to the show, have a word with the sound man and ask him if he intends uploading and if not, why not.

  3. NetBloke

    I wonder if they will follow the Bare Naked Ladies lead and make all of their shows available on the net. (It was on a tour that they opened for BNL that I first discovered Guster).

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