Security warning pops up when using Outlook2007 and Exchange 2007

After a recent migration of mail to Exchange2007, we’ve just started getting users logging tickets where a security window pops up saying “The name of the security certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site”. This can happen even when the client is not at their desk. It took a few seconds to work out what was causing it – the clue was that the window had an icon in the taskbar for outlook. Searching in Google found Microsoft’s KB article 940726 with the resolution to the fix which involves changing various internal url attributes.
The instructions are fairly straightforward but I wanted to see what the values were set to before making the change. As I’m not very familiar with powershell it took me a while to work out what I needed.
For the command

Set-ClientAccessServer -Identity Servername -AutodiscoverServiceInternalUri https://name.contoso.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml

you want to run the command

Get-ClientAccessServer -Identity Servername | fl
The pipe fl provides all the values in a list – if you don’t include this part of the code you will end up with one line containing the name of the server – a value that you hopefully know already!
I really need to get cracking on my powershell skills – I still prefer good old fashioned dos batch programming but now that we’ve started to roll out powershell across all machines, powershell skills will be in demand more and more.

Unable to log into a ftp site with isolation mode enabled

I was unable to log into an ftp site I setup with a specific user after setting the site up in isolation mode. I was getting 530 User username cannot log in, home directory inaccessible from the ftp prompt and event 13, User username failed to log on, could not access the home directory /.

It turns out that by following the instructions on converting an existing ftp site to isolate users mode it worked. The trick was to create a folder called LocalUser underneath the ftp root folder and then create a folder for the user underneath localuser.

Not sure why this worked but it did.

Error 403 when using firefox and Visual Web Developer Beta 2.

I tried my first web page in .net using the visual web developer beta 2 (why am I a sucker for trying out beta software?) and it didn’t work – returning an error message http error 403 Forbidden. Oddly enough, if I opened the same page in Internet explorer it worked ok. From my experience with IIS I knew this was something to do with NTLM authentication but trying to find out where this was configured was rather bewildering. In the end, the post on the microsoft forums gives the answer – “Select the Solution Explorer view, and right click the very first element of the tree (the project itself). Choose property pages and select Start Options. On the Server section, clear the NTLM checkbox and save the configuration and it now works in firefox. MS’s official response is that this is by design to ensure websites are secure. Personally I just wonder how many websites on the internet insist on using NTLM authentication…..not many I guess so I’m afraid this excuse doesn’t ring true to me.
As a side note, I can’t see how you are meant to permalink to the individual post in the forum – there doesn’t seem to be any visible anchors to use. I had to use the WebDevelopers Extension to display the anchors. I’ve logged a bug in the forums on this point too.

HTTP/1.1 New session failed

Got the above error message on the mail server this afternoon which was a new one on me. Apparently it is caused by the lack of available memory on the server. We have 1.5GB of physical memory, the STORE.exe process was taking 900MB of that and there was a console message (not much use when I’m sitting at my desk!) mentioning that it had increased the virtual memory used. The eventlog had various error messages such as the one in the extended entry which explained the above. I had scheduled a reboot for 10pm tonight but then customers started ringing to say they couldn’t get into our web front end so I had to reboot. This is the first time I’ve had this so I hope it doesn’t start to become a regular problem.