Woohoo! I made it (just) into the top 100 on Popdex!
You might just want to reconsider that temp job on the front desk
I actually got this a couple of days ago in my email but had not had chance to read more details. But the new MovableType hosting has had more details and prices released.
Its taken me all weekend, but I have now edited my 404 page. I’m not that slow a coder – the time has included a very slow download and reinstallation of Foxserv after I broke my apache’s httpd.conf file when fiddling with it to get a custom 404 page on the laptop installation that I am testing with.
Now my 404 page does not send me a notification email if someone is using a hacking script to scan for formmail and ends up at my 404 page. Its been quite a good exercise in coding as I’ve used server variables to obtain the requested web page and the refererring page, Regular expressions to check that its not some variant of formmail and a couple of if statements to do the logic. This is the best way to learn php with a (small) project to do something useful on the website.
Poor Kelly has been having some technical problems with her MovableType installation and now has a blank page on the site. The weird thing is that at various stages during the weekend the site has even come back with domain not found!
UpdateKelly’s site is back online now although with a plain design at the moment.
It will be a lot easier to be a chef from today as Teso’s are selling a tear-free onion from today. Not genetically modified it should have half the tear-inducing ingredients! Sounds great – just hope it tastes good. I actually thought I wouldn’t need something like this after watching Gos on Big Brothers Little Brother when he demonstrated how to chop an onion, because the next time I chopped an onion I did it the same way and had no problems with the stinging sensation – although not so on Friday night when my eyes were really sore.
Just got back from watching Terminator 3 – the loudest film I’ve seen ever. The noise of the “car” chase was amazing and you could feel the vibrations in the seat. A very good film and worth watching although there are several plot points that were very dodgy and we spotted at least one continuity problem concerning cars and a restaurant – I won’t go into any more detail so it doesn’t ruin it for the people who haven’t seen it yet. Looking at the queue when we came out of the cinema I am so glad that we didn’t go to see the 8pm showing as it was packed!
Update I’ve added the blooper to Movie Bloopers
From Netcrafts survey, the first Web Server Survey ran in August 1995 and found 18,957 sites. NCSA and CERN were the leading web servers of the day, in front of Netscape which had recently IPO’d, and the Apache project which started a few months earlier in March 1995. Microsoft-IIS, HTTP/1.1 hosting and domain name registrars were not then on the horizon.
In the August 2003 survey we received responses from 42,807,275 sites.
(My first domain appeared in March 1999) although I was using geocities a longtime before that.
Anyone (Neil?) know if it is possible to search the comments in MT?
Extended entry shows the bandwidth stats for yesterday