exchange admin tools on XP

Just tried to install the Exchange Administration tools on the XP laptop and it failed due to the message ‘The component “Microsoft Exchange System Management Tool” cannot be assigned the action “install” because the Windows 2000 Administration Tools must be present.’
This is because the install checks for the 2000 version of the adminpak which is incompatible with XP. (I had already downloaded the adminpa for Windows2003/XP. A patch is available from Microsoft that fixes exchange installation software to allow installation on xp.

Wireless Lan update

After ringing Netgear after having no response on the email, and spending 9 minutes on hold I spoke to a techie who said that the problem was likely to do with having a duff power supply. If i installed the usb manager software and got some specific error messages – “Device not recognised” or “DSU not recognised” (or something like that) then the problem was definately a faulty psu. Seeing as though that was the error message I got when I installed the usb software I persuaded him to send me a replacement PSU and I don’t need to send anything back so its a free replacement. The PSU comes from the netherlands so I have to wait a couple of days for it 🙁 Still I’ll be glad to be wireless again! The daft thing is that the phone techies don’t have access to the emails that are sent to the tech support address!

Phone tones make more profit

I was going to post on this after hearing it on the radio last night but The Shifted Librarian beat me to it. Apparently the money spent on ringtones is substantially greater than the money spent on cd singles. If thats the case, how come so many people have that annoying “nokia” ring tone that is mocked by that guy shouting “HELLO! – YEAH I’M ON THE TRAIN” in the advert/comic sketch. (oh and I wasn’t listening to Radio2 – I’ve a long way to go till I get that far.)

Answering back

I know my parents often told me not to answer back, but when someone asks a question in the comments, where is the best place to answer?
If I posted in a new post, and someone has a question on the answer, then that would entail another post etc etc.
If I posted in an email reply then noone else would see it and maywonder why I appear to be ignoring the question (and not everyone leaves an email address)
If I posted in the comment, this might be relevant, but not everyone reads comments when looking at a site – I only read the comments when it relates to a post that I found particularly interesting – so again visitors may not see the answer and the content in the comment is certainly not as visible.

So where do you think is the best place?
And in answer to the questions posted recently – Angela, No Basil needed NO persuasion to lick the ice lolly – he needs no persuasion to eat *any* human food!
Pieter/ JR – yes it will take forever – thats why I’m considering bringing it home (and keeping it off my network until I am sure its safe!)
Kat – keep an eye on cheesebikini for blog updates and other links that he posts. Search google or use its googlealerts options for “flash mob San Antonio”
Will -hey I’m a southerner!!

Security searches at airports

Wired ran an article about electronic device searches at airports. I’ve had a laptop through baggage before with no questions asked and I don’t think the goons on security would even know what a laptop *should* look like when it boots up and whats to stop someone replacing the removable hard disk/cd etc with something a bit less electronic? (careful choice of words here!) The PC would still boot and it wouldn’t be obvious it had been tampered with. The last couple of lines say that certain types of playing cards are also suspicious as they can have sharp edges….that is really going to please Kristen as she loves her playing cards and its the only thing that keeps her sane now they’ve banned sewing needles as she used to cross stitch on the plane. Having said that, it was the only thing that kept me sane the time we had to wait 5 hours whilst they cancelled the plane when she flew back to the states all those years ago! (Tomorrow is our 4th anniversary!)

Desktop Remote Control

Pieter mentioned UltraVNC which is his preferred method of remote control, even over xp’s Remote Desktop. Now if that is the case then UltraVNC must be very souped up performance wise. We already use VNC (in different guises) for control of remote client desktops and sometimes the performance of the desktop refresh is awful – especially over a dialup connection where we can never get higher than 28.8 out of the office! Remote desktop/Terminal Services has always given us better performance, unfortunately its just limited to xp and W2k machines. I’ll be checking out Ultravnc later today.It certainly looks good with work done on the bandwidth,file transfer ability and integration with nt usernames to control who has access.

PS – Hope your wife (I presume its not the cat) gets better soon Pieter and your comments have disappeared from the site overnight.