Grrr – I am unable to send mail via pipex at the moment as the server is immediately dropping outgoing connections. Call Logged
Update 2 Reboots later and its all working again – no response from pipex though.
Grrr – I am unable to send mail via pipex at the moment as the server is immediately dropping outgoing connections. Call Logged
Update 2 Reboots later and its all working again – no response from pipex though.
BT’s 192 closes on Sunday which means there will be hundreds of people who have no idea how to find out Directory Enquiries. Apparently there are about 17 different companies now providing this service, all beginning 118, all charging by the minute (a REAL incentive for them to provide a quick service – I don’t think) and all charging using different mechanisms such as per second, per minute, minimum charge plus per second, etc.) To aid the confused, BBC news has a page explaining the new 118 options
I fired up Kristen’s laptop which has AVG on it and discovered that it hadn’t actually updated the virus definitions for a month as for some weird reason I had it set to update at 6.30 am! Seeing as though the laptop is not actually on then it hadn’t updated. A quick search in google and I realised that it is possible to run the AVG auto update by running “c:\program files\grisoft\avg6 \avginet.exe” /norm
Bundle this with sleep.exe saved into the windows directory, pop it into the startup folder and as the laptop is permanently connected to the internet, updates every time the machine is booted up (a bit of a pain if this is more than once a day but the pain is better than the pain of a virus infection)
Phil’s post has a couple of ways to keep up with blogs that have been updated. He details using Bloglines,, blogstreet and more….
Clara are now testing email address’s provided as the “from” field in emails sent via their servers. If they are unable to check this email address is valid by sending a bounce message then the outgoing email will be rejected as per their email to the announce list. They should really have announced they were going to do this *before* they implemented it, and I don’t really see how this is going to stop spam emails as most email address’s used ARE valid – they are just not valid for the spammer!
Just taking ownership of this blog on . The blogstreet map is interesting but I’ve not even heard of some of the blogs on it!
Looking at The Realm of Chadness shows a weird effect with Firebird in that the text of the main posts are truncated at the right hand side. If I disable the CSS completely with the StyleSwitcher then the entire page is unreadable. Text wraps in ie6 ok though.
I noticed on ServerGeek that he has a feed from symantec with the latest news on virus’s that have been discovered and removal tools available. This is useful to monitor the latest virus news and can be semi-customised and embedded into your own pages. For the moment I’ve got the feed installed at /virus with nothing else there. However I’d like to customise MovableType’s category archives so that I have the alerts on the left and my Virus posts on the right of the page. That way I have all my anti-virus information in one place…….
I’m finding more and more things that I want to do with MT – just need the time to do it – but that is what Bank Holiday Weekends are for 🙂
SecurityFocus HOME Columnists has an article about how blogs can be another tool in the Security Pro’s Toolkit. It has some very interesting links and comments about RSS feeds, which reminds me – I really need to sort my logo’s out.