Error message with OutlookMT

If you don’t get the username/password combination correct in the OutlookMT.exe.config file then you will get the error message "Posting Failed: Server returned a fault exception."
Took me a while to realise this – I missed the last character off of my password when I saved the file. You also need to create the Blog This folder underneath the Inbox, NOT as a top level folder.

MetroNOmy PC sends an email

Further to my fairly recent blog about the ack of a free pc from Metronomy I had some comments from other not-so-happy potential customers and also some comments from someone called Gavin who posted some interesting comments and allegations about the companies behaviour and certain employee’s. It didn’t take long (although too long) for an ex Metronomy employee to stand up for them and then tip them off about the comments – (thanks ss!) and I have now received an email from them asking for the libelous and untrue comments to be removed.
The problem is, that if I did as they asked I would be taking their word against Gavins and they have not offered any proof to refute these allegations – and I’ve yet to come across anyone who has received a pc from Metronomy. Also looking at some of the allegations, there are several reports about intersaver going bust and taking a lot of peoples money – just take a look at VNUnet, chinwag,, dooyoo (although there are some favourable reviews on dooyoo, dvdreviewer. As to the comments about him paying himself and his friends a lot of money I can’t comment, although if SS or Julian Jones would like to forward me a copy of the company accounts,detailing the wages paid to these executives in comparison to the rest of the company and its income then I’d be delighted to take a look, the same goes for the trading standards quotes in the local paper.

As for Gavin, apparently they know who he is so I suggest that you contact him and ask him to retract his comments and I will issue an apology on his behalf. However, although I’m not a lawyer, there hasn’t been any proof offered by Metronomy to refute these allegations.
I have closed the comment on the original thread and also contacted the Register as they covered the story in the past and it will be interesting to see what response I get from them.

Oh and by the way Julian, I’m sure you know who SS is as he uses the same internet access/pc that you do so its likely that you also know who Gavin is.

Emails in a public folder

After a tipoff from KC Lemson after I emailed my likes and dislikes to their exchange team (as she requested), I’ve installed the latest hotfix rollup for Exchange which includes a fix to the problem where Mail to a Public Folder Is Set as IPM.Post Instead of IPM.Note. We subscribe to mailing lists and use public folders as incoming “mailboxes” (like a distribution list but only one destination to prevent more than one person trying to action an incoming email. Instead they move the email into an actioned folder once they have actioned the email. Anyway – once the hotfix has been applied you need to edit the registry as per KB 817809 and bounce the information store. As we’re having a power cut at 12.30 today, the bounce will occur then and I’ll be able to test these changes.

New Advanced Fee fraud case

I received a uk lotto notification that I had won 2.5million dollars in an email this morning. Quite why a UK Lotto would pay out in dollars and send notifications to europe,america and Africa I don’t know. However they did make the mistake of including a UK contact address in London and a uk based phone number (mobile). I’ve therefore bothered to actually pass this information onto the police as they might just have been dumb enough to give correct contact information.

My wife the stripper.

What can I say?. 😉 (that’ll attract some google searches!) Turns out that she was over enthusiastic yesterday and managed to not only destroy the equipment but trip the electrics for the entire house. I didn’t notice as by that time I was asleep as I had been awake really early in the day to drive to Birmingham to visit a customer. Unfortunately the equipment was not ours and was borrowed and they didn’t have a receipt for it. I was not looking forward to the visit to the shop to see if we could get a replacement under the year guarantee and thankfully they did. Thanks Wickes! Now as long as it lasts for an hour tonight we’ll be happy and the bedroom will soon be back to normal 😉

Port reporter

One of our users, for the second time in two weeks reported that they had a virus on their pc and Norton had picked it up. The scary thing is that it had got on and infected the pc, despite Norton installed and running on the machine. I think the problem was/is due to the fact that the Symantec Firewall/VPN software is pants and can be configured by the user – therefore if they are not careful it can be left in a wide-open state…and thats what I think happened, although after the last infection I made sure it was in restricted mode (but it wasn’t this morning). If I’d known about the Port Reporter from MS I could have worked out (easily) what ports the virus was supposedly running on. I guess I could have used netstat but not first thing before coffee.