Koozie talks about the release of ultraedit-11. He’s on version 9 and i’m still using the free version 5 I got on a cover disk and it was excellent then and still is extremely useful now.
My site is currently hosted with hasweb and I’m trying to report a security flaw on the software installed on the server. unfortunately their main website has been unavailable to access, the forums are unavailable and nothing else on the hasweb.com domain seems to be working. Can anyone else confirm they do not get any hasweb.com web pages? I guess there are some other hasweb customers out there who may also be having problems. I’m getting a bit nervous that the reseller may be going bust – maybe its time to move (I think the hosting is up for renewal but I can’t contact anyone to find out!)
Tried to uninstall SUS on one of the servers at work and came up with the error message “could not set file security for c:\config.msi” as part of the install. This is fixed by stopping the installation and then creating config.msi on the root of c:\ and granting everyone full control. Restarting the uninstallation and it works fine.
Just got back from watching Oceans 12 and the film really is naff. Not worth watching so save your money. At least we only paid half price due to it being Orange Wednesday today.
There’s a work around for the idn flaw which involves creating a file on the local machine. Looks complicated for a non-techie to install but works by only allowing alphanumeric (a-z and 1-9) as characters in a url. I guess it won’t be long before an official patch comes along though.
Just finished reading Dave Gorman’s googlewhack adventure. Its a very good story of how he flies around the world, several times and is especially interesting as part of his journey takes him to Columbus and to areas that Kristen knows about.
Google now have a local page which enables you to search for local businesses. Only seems to work for the states though – or at least it doesn’t work for uk address’s (and its not in google.co.uk)
I installed Windows Update Services on a new server this morning (the old sus server did not have the free disk space or software requirements) and I edited group policy on my laptop to make my machine talk to the new server. However when I then tried to use group policy on the servers I got a “string is too long” when editing the policies. This is a known bug and is fixed by installing an update kb842933 (which needed a reboot)
The good news is that my green card has now arrived at home, the bad news is that it isn’t green. Weird eh?
I actually saw this a couple of days ago but didn’t get round to blogging it but it is now possible to spoof urls in non-ie browsers by using special encoding of characters. A lot of us know that &20 is actually a space, but there are a lot of numbers higher up in the thousands that also look like characters and this is partly to do with the problem. The problem is something called idn.
The link i posted above is reporting on the original website that discovered the problem
Update URL fixed and warning removed. (thanks for the comment Jeff)