I’ve been running an ASR recovery on a windows2k3 server running in virtualpc today. Restoring off a backup file image on a virtual disk and a captured virtual disk, it has taken about 5 hours to restore the 1.6GB of data to the machine (and has 10 minutes left) – VirtualPC is great for doing whatif tests but not if it takes this long to do anything!
Autocopy, Colorzilla, Gmail Notifier, Print It and Linky have all been updated today or very recently.
Some days at work I really wish I was a cat which only has to worry about when they are next going to be cuddled and have to make the decision as to whether they should eat some more or sleep some more.
Today I had to go round a colleagues house to sort their vpn out
People keep asking how the move is going. The fact that I’m still here should give them a clue really 🙂 Having said that I think the market is improving as we have had a couple of visitors around to look and yesterday my parents put an offer into a house (not mine unfortunately) that was accepted so they are now looking forward to moving yet again. Hopefully this will be the last time they move though (and the last time I’ll be asked to move loads and loads of large potted plants)
I’ll try not to turn this blog into a WordPress blog (especially as it is on MT) but I will be blogging some of the tools, hints and pages related to WordPress in the near future whilst I play with it.
A useful tool for creating a banner to go with the default kubrick scheme, is Red Alt – Kubrickr which takes an image from flickr and resizes and “corners” the picture ready to replace the default blue square.
Its a basic tool, but with a good choice of photos and colours the final result is pretty good.
I’ve got to do some more word template programming at the office and need to show people how it is done and how someone else can edit/create new macros and have them signed. It is fairly easy to do and rather than showing them how to do it they can read the document Using SelfCert to Create Digital Certificates in a Network and then I’ll show them.
There is a bulk edit screen in WordPress for editing links (aka blogrolls) but there is no functionality for bulk deleting links. You can change the rolls they need to be in, their visibility etc but not bulk delete them 🙁
I finally signed up with flickr and have uploaded a couple of old photos to the site to play with.Flickr: Photos from absoblogginlutely is the home page. It looks like a good tool to share photos online and for people to find out that you’ve posted new pictures online. The tagging is really handy too as it doesn’t tie you down to directory names when assigning categories. What would be really cool would be integration with a tool like picasa2 so you wouldn’t have to re-tag everything.
After posting about qiq earlier and the recent hassles I’ve had with hasweb I decided to get a new hosting company and the offer from qiq seemed very good. I’ve also had some correspondence with the owner and this allayed some of my worries. I signed up on Thursday and received the password information within the 5 minutes they promised. I wasn’t able to get into the site using ssh until the following morning, but there was some confusion over the password synchronisations between the control panel and the actual server itself. Its now all sorted and I’ve installed a test implementation of wordpress to play with. The one thing that I really like is the ssh implementation as i was able to download, extract and install wordpress from the shell without having to download to my pc.
An alternative to Geourl.org has been launched and you can add your site at the homepage at geourl.infoby using the form which then provides you with a link like blogs near Absoblogginlutely via mike@zed1