3 hr ra to mp3

Anyone got any tips on how to convert a 3 hour long real audio file into chunks of mp3 files *quickly*? I’ve streamed a broadcast of the radio into one big 60MB Real Audio and left the computer converting it into a 1.3GB wav file. I can then burn this onto mp3 but it would be better if I could split it into sizeable chunks, say every 5 or 10 minutes so it makes it easy to stop. start and “rewind” on a mp3 player. So far I’ve looked at lpripper (but that splits it into 36 chunks, 2 of which are 1.5 hours long and the rest fractions of a minute long!.


  1. Hank

    A quick thought: If you get the tryout version of Adobe Audition or some other audio production software, you should be able to piece out the long clip into shorter ones and save them in mp3 format.

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