for £16.99 a year, QiQ are providing 10gb web space, 100GB bandwidth, unlimited ftp accounts, emails, subdomains, mysql databases and ssh access (which is very rare) and also asp (although i suspect this is something like chilisoft). Sounds too good to be true (so probably is) but I must say it is a very tempting offer to get just to play with or even use as a mirror/backup of existing sites and data.
On further investigation, qiq is reselling webspace from heartinternet and qiq’s overview page tells you how the company was formed and is more upfront than other web hosts i’ve used in the past! It also explains why it is advertised and has a post about qiq on the net4nowt page – its run by the same people.
Yes, as MD of QiQ I can confirm the ASP included in the package is Sun One ASP (previously Chilisoft).
Too good to be true? We hope not. We offer a 30 day money back guarantee and this has not been evoked.
We partner with a number of hosting/data centres for our hosting services. These include HeartInternet, Pipex in the UK.
Drop us a note if you have any further questions. Thanks.