More DST patch madness

We received an email from Verizon to inform us that the Monitorsync software that synchronizes Exchange with Verizon’s web service (and then cellphones) also needs a patch for daylight savings time. Great timing with less than a week to go!
I did my first Exchange server/Timezone change tonight and the process is more complicated than it should be, but not as complicated as it could be. My notes from the patch is in the extended entry but note that I am not an expert and that advice should be taken from Microsoft’s official DST website

  • A walkthrough is available at You had me at EHLO
  • 1st download kb931836 to the Exchange server and install.
  • Then install the exchange patch from kb926666
  • tzmove.exe needs to be installed on a workstation with outlook installed, with a profile configured that has admin rights to all of the mailboxes from kb931667
  • Install .NET framework 2 if not already installed on the workstation
  • MsExTmzCfg.exe also needs to be installed on the workstation from kb930879
  • Drop to a command prompt, change to the default installation for msextmzcfg directory (c:\Program Files\MsExTmz\) and run msextmzcfg.exe
  • The requested server name is the name of the server on the network – doesn’t need to include all the ldp information that the walkthrough implies.
  • If no time zone data is found with error 80004005 this is probably due to no recurring appointments in the affected time period – see Technet Blog post for more possibilities.
  • The path to tzmove.exe is probably C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Office Outlook Time Zone Data Update Tool\TZMOVE.EXE
  • Once finished, the tool saves the relevant files in a folder underneath the msextmzcfg file with the name of the server ie c:\Program Files\MsExTmz\server
  • If there are permission errors, run the grant.vbs file from kb930879 – make sure you run cscript grant.vbs -add domain\administrator errors.txt after copying errors.txt from the msextmzcfg output to the exchange server (You will need to do this from a command prompt)
  • Change to this directory and run msextmz_1.bat and wait.
  • Review the logs in this directory for further information.
  • Send out company wide informing users of the change to their appointments – My sample email is as follows –
    The patches to Exchange and appointments within the extended Daylist Savings Time period have now been applied. Please ensure that you double check your appointments in your calendar for this period to ensure that they correct so that alarms and notifications will activate at the correct time. Remember it is important to ensure that the subject line for meetings and appointments should include the time that you intend the meeting or appointment to be to avoid any confusion.

Update Check out the EHLO posting for latest hotfix releases that may fix issues after installing this patch.
Update Couple of urls added for .net and the correct patch for the server link