
Information Store viewer can be downloaded from Microsoft’s website even though most documentation on the newsgroups states it is in the Support\Utils\I386 folder of the exchange server cd – well it isn’t in our volume licence cd – that folder doesn’t exist.
I’m trying to work out why outlook still tries to send information to a delegate who has been deleted in exchange and why the user can’t be deleted from within outlook (every time I delete them they appear on the delegate tab when I next open outlook). Apparently you follow the instructions at KB 253557, making sure you are NOT in cached mode, but I don’t see the Schedule+ EMS message that I need to delete. adding another user to a delegate creates the ems message that I need to delete. However, doing all of this doesn’t help as the delegates magically come back when I log into outlook. I am now exmerging the data out to a pst file, deleting the mailbox and recreating it again.


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