I found another firewall this

I found another firewall this evening – something called Agnitum Outpost. The claims are very good, but my hour of testing has found it lacking. The interface is very clumsy (worse than Kerio’s) and a couple of times it came up with a dialog box with a reference to the configuration file, and an ok box to tick. After a machine hang all the configuration had vanished so I had to start again. And on a machine restart the program is not running in memory and protecting the pc from intruders,despite the “run on startup” and entries in the registry. The method of adding an application to the list of allowed programs is very clunky as half the time the application doesn’t appear in the list of applications spotted, and you have to use the browse function to go find the exe. Admittedly there is a wizard function, similar to Zonealarm that will let you config on an app by app basis, but again this seems to be pretty unreliable with not many options available at the moment of creating a rule. The auto update also crashed twice and when it did eventually download an 800kb patch file, it decided it was up-to-date. Stay clear of this program!

Well after a week or

Well after a week or so on this new computer I have been experiencing locksups after about an hour with 100% cpu usage. Wasn’t sure whether it was the new email client, the firewall or being connected to the internet. Took Kerio firewall off the computer last night and it ran for over 12 hours with no problem, so after a brief flirtation – goodbye Kerio, welcome back ZoneAlarm