Test of a link to Argos as I may be shortly be purchasing a elliptical cross trainer from them in an effort to keep fit.
More cat pictures have been uploaded to the gallery, including pictures of Basil trying a new way to cool down….
Be careful when installing this. If you install over the top of your existing version and have made a template for your albums, then you will lose this information so back it up or make a note of the settings first. The thumbnail quality has improved a lot, although I’m not sure its the same quality as my other tool, Emage4Web. I’ll put up a comparison page later this week of the thumbnail quality.
For about a week now the wireless lan has crawled to a halt. I uploaded a file to my website and it downloads on the lan in 15 seconds. If I download over the wireless lan it’s *expected* to take 9 minutes 24 seconds. This is sitting within 1 metre of the Access Point, with full signal strength and 11Mbps on the speed. Any ideas on what could cause this and how to troubleshoot it? As its basically useless at the moment 🙁 Pings are 6 ms slower on the wireless lan)
Apparently Heathrow airport hit and continued past the 100F at 3pm this afternoon. Meanwhile here in Cheshire its been a cool day with rain earlier this morning! I knew it would rain today as we filled the pond up yesterday – an act that ALWAYS means it rains the following day.
Apparently Heathrow airport hit and continued past the 100F at 3pm this afternoon. Meanwhile here in Cheshire its been a cool day with rain earlier this morning! I knew it would rain today as we filled the pond up yesterday – an act that ALWAYS means it rains the following day.
A new version of WebAlbumGenerator has been released which includes support for better thumbnail generation. This was my only complaint about this software as the thumbnails were often pretty poor quality and I had to use another utility to create the thumbnails. Having said all that, I now use the Coppermine Gallery on the site as it’s works with php and mysql and integrates very nicely with XP’s image upload facilities. For a standalone image album generator, then WebAlbum Generator is the best I’ve seen.
Bristol’s 25th Balloon fiesta occurs this weekend and already there are some good photo’s up on the BBC’s website. They are also providing a live streaming video from Thursday through to Sunday of the event. So far all I have seen is people walking past the window whilst hearing some muffled conversations about what they were going to do today. The highlight timetable tells you when something is going to happen. It looks like 9-10.30pm tonight might be a good time to tune in when they do a balloon glow and firework display.
Following on from the post about Microsoft suing 15 spammers, they have finally admitted that one of the alleged spammers is actually innocent. I hope that they did more than apologise after dragging his name through the mud like that. Mind you, it serves as a warning for anyone buying a domain to make sure that it’s not been used for spam in the past.
London had it’s first flash mob last night which almost ended up a disaster when the shop they were going to visit closed before the mob turned up! The BBC news site has mentioned the event on their front page with details here. Unfortunately I’m blogging this from Crewe library and its taking ages to do anything so I’ve no idea what the pictures look like.
Unfortunately the links to the sites that are mentioned in the article, the Geocities LondonMob and writer Warren Ellis’s blog have had bbc’otted (as opposed to slash-dotted) and are unavailable. Warren’s blog has a static page up, but it doesn’t say that due to bandwidth use he’s disabled the pictures. This seems a bit strange as I would have thought that a writer would want to have people read his stuff!
UpdateWarren left a comment to this post saying that the hosting company had pulled his website. It wasn’t obvious this had occured as normally there is a “this site has exceeded its bandwidth allowance” notice like the Londonmobs site did. Instead his site just shows the text Space.powweb.com and the ip address. I hope he can make arrangements with the hosting company to get the site online -maybe the bbc should provide the extra money to allow it to be hosted for the rest of the month due to the traffic they sent (I assume it was their site that sent the traffic.It’s certainly NOT a good way to advertise your hosting company – by saying “Hey – we pull peoples sites when they get a lot of extra bandwidth and dont explain why”)