and thats it…you pay 3p to call a LANDLINE in the states (or the uk) and nothing else per call.This international phone call business is getting really cut throat (and hard to remember which company to prefix with)
MCP magazine has an article, Nothing Up My Sleeves which lists utilities that techies submitted which they use to do their job. Although I’d heard of (and used) most of them, there were a few more utilities worth checking out.
Essential reading if you do support or network administration.
Looks like logmein is another tool to use for supporting endusers/relations. This is a cutdown citrix like client that gets installed on your supportees pc’s before they need your help but which you can then access over a web connection. You could have multiple pc’s/owners all logging on with your account but then you’d need to share the password so this would only work for remote support for your close relatives or your own machine. Once the software is installed it creates a web connection to their central server and your control is sent down this encrypted connection. It seems to work well, is fast(er than vnc) but doesn’t have enhanced capabilities such as chat/file transfer unless you pay per month for this capability. The one big advantage is that it doesn’t need any ports opening up on a firewall and the end user is prompted when you attempt to control it.
There’s a Patch for all MT versions that stops spammers sending out mail through the server. Worth fixing asap.
Decided I’d have a go at setting up the linksys wag54g. At first glance it all seemed to work on on the lan side (I’ve not yet plugged it into the telephone line) I upgraded the firmware, or tried to. As the upgrade process got to 100% of the bar across the screen, internet explorer then refreshed to a 404. When I closed the browser down and opened it up again it came up with a successful upgrade process. (weird).
Now though, whenever I connect to the lan interface it comes up with “Cannot find server” even though I can ping it.
Stumbled across Robert-O-Rama who takes some fantastic photos and uploads them to textamerica. If you like Sensitive Light then you will like Robert’s pages too and the rss feed (with pictures included) is at
for £16.99 a year, QiQ are providing 10gb web space, 100GB bandwidth, unlimited ftp accounts, emails, subdomains, mysql databases and ssh access (which is very rare) and also asp (although i suspect this is something like chilisoft). Sounds too good to be true (so probably is) but I must say it is a very tempting offer to get just to play with or even use as a mirror/backup of existing sites and data.
On further investigation, qiq is reselling webspace from heartinternet and qiq’s overview page tells you how the company was formed and is more upfront than other web hosts i’ve used in the past! It also explains why it is advertised and has a post about qiq on the net4nowt page – its run by the same people.
According to reuters, security experts apparently got 4466 passwords when they started monitoring an isp’s network (with permission). Now if you ask me, that either means they don’t have a lot of customers or the experts weren’t very good. If you have access to sniff the network on an isp I would have thought you would have got a lot more passwords. After all, pop3 usernames and passwords are sent in clear text and that is what most people would be using to retrieve their email. Just goes to show that you really shouldn’t use the same password for everything that you need to access.
Just finished In the presence of the enemy by Elizabeth George. This is the first of the Inspector Linley novels that I have read and all because it was one of the books from the library that Kristen got for 10p in their pre-christmas book sale. It’s taken about a week to read in the evenings before bed and it has been a good read. If you like your murder mysteries then you will like this series. Problem is there are loads of books in this series so you’ll either get hooked and have loads to read or you might that the series are very formulistic – I don’t myself but will find out when I read another one.
The funny think about the amazon affiliate link is that the book lists at £6.99, amazon themselves are selling it at £5.59, yet there is one seller who has it on sale, new, for £2.49
Thanks to Neils post, I’ve downloaded TaskSwitchXP which works really well and can be recommended over the powertoys version.