Just tagging the Greasemonkey scripts that I’ve installed.
The final rebate (out of 5) arrived this afternoon and was actualy the first item purchased way back on the 23rd April 2005. It has taken 3 months and 2 days to arrive (as I sent the data off on the 24th) on a rebate that should have taken 6-8 weeks according to the small print.
The BestBuy (who got their wrists slapped for misbehaving on rebates) rebate on the same item arrived on the 31st May.
Now you can see why people refuse to use rebates for items. However, it is difficult to get the same or similar products at a comparable price without resorting to the rebate con.
We watched The Pacifier on dvd yesterday. Kristen loved the film and I thought it was “daft but funny”. Like Vin Diesel, as long as you don’t take the film too seriously and treat it as a Bondesque type film then it is pretty good. The commentary of the film on dvd is good too with a mix of jokes, facts and trivia about the film.
I went to see The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy yesterday afternoon at the dollar theatre. Earlier in the morning we were watching a film which had a really bad trailer for the film which made it look really bad. It didn’t put me off though and I enjoyed the film. Pretty funny in places (I liked the ideas scene) but the seats in theatre made the film seem a lot longer than it was. The film was sufficiently different to the original to still make it interesting and worth watching.
It’s been a long time coming, but apparently Petra are splitting up at the end of the year. They have been going for 33 years so it probably is about time to retire. Personally I’ve not been as impressed with their recent music as I was in the early 90’s but maybe I was getting older quicker than they were. (This will be good news to Kristen who doesn’t like their music)
KB article 896358 shows the steps on re-enabling this ability on intranet/lan locations.
Unfortunately it seems to be MS bashing this morning – Virtual Earth from Microsoft is out (but meant to be released on Monday) but the aerial data is awful. If you zoom in on Columbus Ohio, the only time you get real data is when you get about 100 miles across on the screen. Any other zoom strength has no pictures which is basically useless. Ohio just looks completely green
Longhorn is apparently going to be called Vista according to an announcement earlier this week. Already I’ve seen posts saying this stands for “Virus infections, spyware, trojans and adware!”
Oh dear oh dear oh dear…….
The Flickr Importr blog is long overdue but will now contain release information as this excellent flickr tool is updated (which seems to be about every other day at the moment). Its now my favourite interface to flickr uploads although don’t point it at your entire photo directory as your pc WILL crash as it tries to read all the pictures.
I finally finished Halo this afternoon. It’s probably taken me a month of on and off playing to complete so I certainly got my moneys worth – especially as I only paid about $3 for it!
The ending was pretty weak, I was expecting a big Evil Boss to appear but it didn’t. After finishing I decided to have a few games online and although I came last on all but one of the challenges (where I came in the top 5 of 12) I enjoyed it.