“Your availability time range is invalid, please correct” Lotus Notes error.

I got the “Your availability time range is invalid, please correct” when I went into my calendar options in Notes to try and fix another (unrelated) issue and for the life of me I couldn’t see why I would get this error message. The screenshot below shows the settings that I saw.


However, if the Sunday box was subsequently checked, the time for that day was displayed and the time for some reason was set to be from 02:00 pm – 02:00 AM which is not a valid time range as it spans over to the next day.
So if you get this message, remember to check the disabled days first.


  1. Shaun

    That was bang on with my User. Sunday was unchecked, and when I checked it I found it had “9:00 PM – 12:00 PM” in the field. Correcting the time resolved this problem. Thx!

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