tax disc fines

According to bbc news you now get an automatic £80 fine if you don’t renew or obtain a tax disc for your car. I’m not sure how they could prove that you’ve not taken the car off the road (which I think you are meant to tell them that you’ve done) but then you rely on the postal service….one to deliver the reminder notice that your tax disc is about to run out (assuming that they’ve not stopped doing this for (conveniently) cost savings) and also to deliver the letter to the dvla from yourself to say that you’ve taken the car off the road.


  1. PDC

    It’s not down to the DVLA to remind you that you need to renew your tax disc. They usually send a letter 2 weeks before hand but dont have to.

    After all, the expiry date is on display 24/7 isnt it?

    The idea is that this will take non-MOT’ed cars, and drivers without insurance off the road. Trouble is, those driving without an MOT or insurance are not going to give two hoots about tax. Once again the honest, if forgetful, motorist will be penalised. The sooner ANPR becomes more prolific the better.

    Another thing, ministers now want traffic wardens to ticket people who venture into the yellow hatched boxes at junctions when their exit is not clear.

    The motorist is this governments easiest source of income.

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