I Passed!

Although the exam was fairly taxing in the usual Microsoft way where you think “What on earth are they on about” and “How many do I pick when it says select all that may apply”, I passed the exam with flying colours. The password was 700 (70% I guess) with 61 questions to be answered in 155 minutes. I got 899 – which works out at about 6 questions wrong – more than I would have liked but I’m sure that at least one of the questions was missing a ‘t when the question was “What must you do so that Andrew can do …..” and yet all the answers were talking about what he can‘t do.
Now I have to work out if I can afford to do the second exam to get the MCDST qualification……


  1. Rob

    you see its official ….you are definately an IT egghead …..now that u r in the states who’s gonna sort out my computer problems

    Well done Andy


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