Book Reading list using wordpress

I think I can hack together a reading list using WordPress and a plugin. My preferred solution would be to use MT and a plugin but the only plugin that seems to do that requires a new version.
So I’ve installed the Amazon Media Manager into WordPress and made the following changes.

I added the last two of these option choices to amm.php stored within the plugins directory. This change will allow the option of Reading or Read as a rating when adding a book to the internal database.

<option value="5" <?php if($amm_ratingControl == 5) echo 'selected="selected"';?>>5 = <?php _e('Highest',AMM_DOM);?></option>
<option value="6" <?php if($amm_ratingControl == 6) echo 'selected="selected"';?>>6 = <?php _e('Read',AMM_DOM);?></option>
<option value="7" <?php if($amm_ratingControl == 7) echo 'selected="selected"';?>>7 = <?php _e('Reading',AMM_DOM);?></option>

However, the two lines below also need adding to the plugins/amm_constant.php which is used to make a userfriendly substitution of numbers to descriptions in the templates. Add these two lines just above the define (‘AMM_RATING_5’,5); line.

define ('AMM_RATING_READ',6);
define ('AMM_RATING_READING',7);

I then created a “currently reading page” and a “read page” within wordpress which contains the following template code – change READING to READ for the “read page”

<!--amm_getMedia('amm_default_output', 10, AMM_BOOKS, AMM_DATE_DESC, AMM_RATING_READING)-->

At the moment that is all there is to it, but the summary pages show the ratings as numbers – but thats a project for a later date….


  1. Sytone

    I have done a hack to wp-content/plugins/amm/amm_extras.php to make a nicer ratings. I have replaced the rating() funtion with the below data. Change the text to what ever you like.

    function rating(){
    //HACK: For 6=Read, 7=Reading data
    if ($this->currentItem[‘amm_rating’] == 6 ) {
    return ‘Going to read’;
    if ($this->currentItem[‘amm_rating’] == 7 ) {
    return ‘Reading’;
    return $this->currentItem[‘amm_rating’];


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