5th May

Apparently today is Cinco de Mayo – something I’ve never heard of before. My first thought when I saw it in an email was that it was someone playing battleships with sandwich fillings but a quick google search later shows that it commemorates the astounding victory of the Mexican Army over the French at the Battle of Puebla on the 5th of May, 1862. As I don’t want to be accused of inciting racial hatred I won’t say any more but it does sound like a GREAT day today πŸ˜‰
Oh – and happy Birthday to my Sister for Sunday!

footnotes in Word

If you’ve ever tried to create a footnote in Word and got the daft error message that states “Start At must be between 1 and 16383 for this format.” when the Start At is set to 1 (or 2 or 3 or 4 or …) then the fix is to select the entire document apart from the last paragraph mark (turn the viewing of paragraph marks on by pushing the ΒΆ button on the toolbar) and then copy paste the document into a new document. Hopefully the document is not that big and that you can copy paste with no problems! Thanks to this post on google groups for the answer

yard work isn’t fun…..

Actually it wasn’t bad working in the garden over the weekend even if I did get a little suntan/burn on the back of my neck. I really have the farmers tan now – but I think that is mainly because the rest of me is so white, anything non-white sticks out quite drastically πŸ™‚ On Saturday we borrowed Kristen’s parents mower and I spent about 100 minutes mowing the back and front garden whilst Kristen and Mom weeded and raked up the fallen leaves that were left in the flower beds. By the end of the day we had sore backs and 10 lawn bags and 2 bins full of grass cuttings and leaves for the green disposal lorry to come and take away today. I’ve been trying to decide on whether to get a ride on mower (called lawn tractors nowadays) or whether to get a self propelled walk behind mower. The cost difference is pretty big but the ride-on would be much more comfortable but starting at $900 its a big outlay. The other thing is that there doesn’t seem to be anywhere you can actually try a tractor (although John Deere’s are all over the neighbourhood but I can’t afford one of those). I was favouring the craftsman mowers from sears until we found out that their cheapest one doesn’t have a gear system that you can change whilst driving – apparently you have to come to a stop to change gears (according to the sales person) but that strikes me as odd as you always move away from a standstill in first, so coming to a stop doesn’t make sense.
A google search for reconditioned, second hand or used mowers does not come up with anything in the vicinity and I am not aware of any mower shops (unlke Haslington mowers or Congleton Mowers back home in England). Any locals got any ideas or want to let me borrow their tractor for a test drive (I’ll even cut YOUR garden if I can try out your mower!)

1 year!

It’s been one year today, since we moved from the UK. In the past year that we’ve been here we’ve lived in two houses, purchased a house and a car, passed a driving test, called a plumber out three times, been to the vets twice, got a job each, driven lots, eaten lots, thought about getting a hottub OR a rideon tractor mower, found a great church and new friends, went to one wedding and a funeral, replaced all the exterior doors and windows, ended up with more (broken) tv’s and great furniture that we could use at any one time, passed 4 microsoft exams, broke the 400 geocache marker, got vonage and used skype a lot but not heard from many people in the uk (you know who you are!),got roped in to design 2 web sites (neither of which i’ve got very far with), got two fish, lost a fish, discovered Apples2Apples and many more things that I’m sure you can remember if you have been reading the blogs.

We’re off out to celebrate now – yummy burgers await.

latest MS patch and hp = not (very) good news.

How to fix ie freezing when you use the drop down box and the answer (at least official) isn’t to use firefox. This is due to a known issue with HP hardware and the MS06-015 / KB908531 patch.
On a related note I was wondering what readers policys on implementing patches are. We tend to wait a week or so to see if there are known issues (like above) but if everyone waited a week to see if there were no issues then this policy isn’t very practical. Also testing the patches on machines isn’t often very practical either – with a vast array of software on users desktops – most of which I would not use, just how do you test the effect of patches? Even getting hold of a spare box in most companies is unlikely as they are all in use. I’ve also found that the details in the patch documentation is getting sparser so it is also difficult to tell just what the patch does or what it affects.

And as to firefox – I’m not that impressed with the autoupdate facility for – now most of my extensions don’t work and on my home computer they seem to have been ALL wiped out – not sure if that is because it’s loaded a new profile or not. I’ll look at that later, but having all the extensions disappear is very annoying. The other strange thing is that I wasn’t aware of there being any major patches or bugs in firefox – they’ve kept them pretty quiet unlike the latest MS patches – is there a mozilla security zine like the MS security posts that I should be subscribed to?

Timewarner complaint gets answered.

I got a quick response from TimeWarner, with contact details, about my complaint apologizing for the “delay”. I really don’t think 4 months counts as a delay, neither do the excuses that I was told. Will be interesting to see if the formal letter ever shows up. For anyone else having issues I strongly recommend complaining to the Better Business Bureau, after all they may actually do something if the entire customer base complains!