Installed Webmon at work yesterday which monitors webpages and lets you know when they have changed. Useful facilities allow you to monitor different pages at different intervals. Works a treat! Will be installed on my home pc when asdl arrives 🙂
Discovered a new free hotmail alternative called postmaster that gives you 3 months before you have to relogin and they claim they are much better at spam filtering……we shall see
Following on from Catboxing – a humourous look at cats fighting on the web, I found a link to giving your cat a bath
Found a bugfix on Microsoft’s technet that fixes a problem I’ve had on my laptop. When I do a file-open or a file-save, Windows 2000 takes ages – literally minutes – to come up with the file dialog box. Apparently this is a known issue with Windows2000sp2 and there is a bug fix available from them. Alternatively you can wait for service pack3 to come out! You shouldn’t have to pay to get this call in as it’s a known issue.
Update I’ve got this file installed on the laptop and it seems to make a little bit of a difference – still takes about 10 seconds for the file open dialog box to appear in notepad though!
Thames Water are doing one of those clicktodonate websites. If they reach 4million clicks by the end of June they’ll donate even more money so please click! have css template files to create your own website. They look pretty neat too. Even if you don’t end up buying them, you can use the site to get some ideas about what to put on a website….One day some of them may even appear on this page!
I now have the ability to find out when the server is rebooted or the Application file changed
(which was <%=Application("server_started")%> for the nosy!)
Suprisingly my router turned up today – now all I have to do is hope that the ASDL line goes in quick (or that it goes in at all!). The Pc in the office is now running on DHCP from the router so I know I have LAN connectivity…….
hmmm – Nucleus looks like a good blogging tool – only problem is that it uses PHP and MYSQL which I don’t (yet) have access to 🙁
Using the Quick Search facility in IE, I’ve managed to set up the browser so NYT http://newyorktimesurl in the address bar takes me to the correct web page straight away – neat!