Got my wireless mouse working again after it stopped working. For some reason (I think the batteries must have got flat as I forgot to place it back in the charger) the mouse wouldn’t talk to the base unit. A quick reset on the mouse AND the baseunit and it started working again. I was getting worried as I really didn’t want to go back to a corded version.
Interesting to see that I got another security email from microsoft due to the patches that were originally issued in Oct 2002 which would have prevented against the slammer worm that crippled the internet over the weekend. At least this time the hackers were sensible in that they waited until everyone went home. That way they could almost guarantee they would get maximum exposure as the only people who are likely to run Microsoft SQL2000 are business’s and most admin guys are going to be safely home on a Friday night. And if they are not good enough admins to have already patched their servers, then they are not likely to have pagers to be called in to fix the problem. One of my (backup) isp’s was pretty badly crippled – a lot of their servers were unavailable although they did send me an email to say they were pulling the plug on people who had bad servers – don’t blame them.
So just how long is it going to be before they manage to crash all of the root servers? Incidentally I dcpromo’d my home server last night and it killed my local network as it made itself a dns server, stopped dns and dhcp working from my router and also refused to forward dns requests onto the internet for me. As I didnt have time to work that one out, it was a quick dcpromo back to a standalone server until I have time to read up on dns in w2k.
Angela, I don’t have a brother 😉
Don’t know if you noticed me linking to the Korea Life Blog but its a very amusing story of an americans journey to Korea to start teaching. The guy writes really well.
You know those really annoying, condescending Mac Switch adverts? Well this is a very funny parody – Switch to Linux – for the everyday super-villain
Kristen started playing Ratchet & Clank on the PS2 tonight and is addicted, which means I get time to work on the computers upstairs whilst she plays on that. As long as she doesn’t get further in the game than me then thats ok 🙂
A new CD Writer is now installed in the 98 computer – allows me to burn cd’s at a max of 48 speed instead of the 4 minutes. Should make life a lot nicer and enable me to backup things on the computer – with the amount of computers that have broken around me its time this one should be backed up.
I send an email to my hosting company complaining that email that was on the server for three days has been deleted and where is it? They respond back saying read emails older than 3 months could be deleted. I then replied asking about email 3 DAYS old. They reply back saying they don’t support webmail and that email older than 3 months will be deleted. What planet are they on? Do they not speak english? I almost can’t wait to find another hosting provider but I need a cheapish asp host that also does access databases and why they also don’t do php too I’ve no idea. Just wish I could afford the grand a year for co-location then I could put what *I* want on the server and I’m sure I could set myself up as the only hosting company to offer php,mysql,access and asp pages all at once!
UpdateNow their reply is that the webmail program (which they don’t support!) or my mail client has been marking emails as read and leaving them on the server. Thats not true as my mail client leaves them on the server for three days. Even if this was the case, still doesn’t explain why I have NO mail as opposed to no mail over 30 days! They are complete idiots! The reseller that I brought the hosting from has not even bothered to reply yet – no recommendations for (or – the end provider) for me!
grrr – my isp deleted loads of mail on the mail server today and are denying it 🙁
Exchange is *still* not running! I’ve got the server restored now, but the restore option will not load the databases. Apparently I need to install service pack2 and then try again…..Thats Mondays job as i’m not working another weekend!