2 Left’s don’t make a right – but three do.

I put the above CD into the computer to rip to mp3 so I can listen to them wherever and a flash box popped up redirecting me to exclusive content at the Relient K website. The actual material is quite funny, with 8 (so far) 5-10 minute documentarys of life on the road with the band. So far I’ve watched Chair High Jumps and Landmine Larry get shot at with grapes from a slingshot. All in all, this has been one good value album as I got their Christmas CD, Deck the Halls, Bruise your hand with it too.

2 Left’s don’t make a right – but three do.

I put the above CD into the computer to rip to mp3 so I can listen to them wherever and a flash box popped up redirecting me to exclusive content at the Relient K website. The actual material is quite funny, with 8 (so far) 5-10 minute documentarys of life on the road with the band. So far I’ve watched Chair High Jumps and Landmine Larry get shot at with grapes from a slingshot. All in all, this has been one good value album as I got their Christmas CD, Deck the Halls, Bruise your hand with it too.

Different from address’s in outlook

Thanks to MS Exchange Blog : Holiday Reading… I’ve seen an application, ChooseFrom that sits on exchange that looks at the “send replies to” field at emails and sets that address as the FROM address in emails, thus allowing exchange users to send mails from other email address’s. Useful for sending posts to mailing lists when you’ve subscribed the list to a public folder. Unfortunately I doubt our company will fork up the $150 to use it on our mail server 🙁
He also explains why outlook web access asks you to insert the office 2000 cd (like you are going to have THAT handy) – apparently it’s documented in technet articles 257886 and 298110
Oh, and there sounds like an almost ideal job vacancy too.

Different from address’s in outlook

Thanks to MS Exchange Blog : Holiday Reading… I’ve seen an application, ChooseFrom that sits on exchange that looks at the “send replies to” field at emails and sets that address as the FROM address in emails, thus allowing exchange users to send mails from other email address’s. Useful for sending posts to mailing lists when you’ve subscribed the list to a public folder. Unfortunately I doubt our company will fork up the $150 to use it on our mail server 🙁
He also explains why outlook web access asks you to insert the office 2000 cd (like you are going to have THAT handy) – apparently it’s documented in technet articles 257886 and 298110
Oh, and there sounds like an almost ideal job vacancy too.

new email to rss gateway

Lysozyme talks about bloglines providing email to rss feeds along with mailbucket. Bloglines is handy if you’ve already got an account with them, but mailbucket is better as you can just think up an email address @mailbucket.org when you want to create an rss feed for a newsletter. The only problem with this sort of thing is if everyone decides to subscribe to Langalist (for example) then there could be several rss feeds at mailbucket.org all for the same newsletter. The disadvantage is also that the list is public, so anyone could unsubscribe the feed, whereas at bloglines it is under your control.

MobileRss now in use.

I finally got round to installing mobilerss as mentioned previously on the Axim. The import of my 97 feed opml file went well and the page was set up in avantgo easily enough. The only problem is that it comes down as several html pages as opposed to content in a database, so there is no “unread” messages capability, which is a shame as I’ve really got used to it in other rss readers. I think what I might do is set up my new feeds page from FeedOnFeed to be synched with avantgo instead.

Outlook 2k3

I put Outlook2k3 on my work desktop machine the other day whilst the laptop is in for repair. So far I’m not as impressed with it as I am on the laptop. The laptop runs at a screen resolution of 1600*something and the desktop runs at 1024* (because its not clear or big enough to run at a better resolution. As I run a dual monitor on this machine, the second monitor is slightly further away on the desk so needs to be at a higher resolution so I can see it clearly.) Unfortunately this means that there isn’t really enough room for the tri-pane view in outlook with the reading pane on the right hand side instead of underneath. Also the middle column gets squished up so not as much useful information gets displayed. Functionality is exactly the same on the machines, just usability is not as good at a lower resolution…..I dread to think what it would be like on the users who insist on running at 800*600!

Windows XP file & settings wizard

Tried to migrate data using the File And Settings Transfer Wizard (FAST) on 98 machine but the software kept failing when it came to import the data saying that it could not find the required data necessary. After running Windows Update on the machine (which had *loads* of updates necessary) the same settings worked ok after a new wizard disk was created and run on the machine. Apparently one of the patches to XP solves certain bugs and issues including FAST ones.