…must be the Bash Street Kids who are celebrating their 50th birthday today – and they are still in the same year at school!
I cleaned my keyboard today, or rather I held it upside down whilst hitting it hard on the bottom. I learnt two things….one this doesn’t really help, two you really do use the space bar a lot and can’t do without it.
I’ve also decided to call my autobiography “Crisps in my keyboard”
This knowledgebase article describing a problem where Windows XP may take upward of three minutes to complete a wireless network connection looks like the problem I sometimes get at home where the pc takes forever to boot up at home. i guess the workaround is to disable client for MS networks or the wireless as I boot up…. I think i’ll try that and see how I get on.
Update I’ve tried booting the laptop up with the wireless nic disabled (fortunately there is a nice slider switch to turn it on and off) and it logs in as instantaneous as it can get. Marvellous!
The MS Exchange Blog has a useful tip on The Exchange 2000 MAILQ Utility which I duly implemented this afternoon. It took me a while to realise why I was getting hundreds of popup messages on the server for almost every line of code. This was because I hadn’t read the instructions and had double clicked on go.wsf instead of dropping to a dos prompt and running cscript go.wsf
The end result looks good though – now I need to work out how to add this into a dashboard type shell thing I can have on my pc. There are so many small website bits and pieces scattered everywhere that really need putting into a status web page.
The other annoying thing is that you need to use IE to view the resulting output page 🙁
Had a weird call this morning. The customer rang to complain that everytime they accessed the menu in our telnet application, sbclient, the menu would immediately disappear again. After doing a bit of digging it was discovered that the culprit is the logitech mouse and keyboard. Using a normal mouse/keyboard combination doesn’t have a problem.
Add a line at the top of the page to read <% session.lcid = 2057 %>
I downloaded and installed Webmin , a web front end to administer unix boxes, on one of our AIX boxes yesterday.Looks really good and a nice frontend, instead of smit, to do things. I might roll this out to the helpdesk guys as it will make it easier for them to maintain and support the unix boxes we have on site. The only down side is the rpm install wouldn’t work – I had to download the tar file and run setup from that.
Microsoft issued a critical update for their bookman 7 font….yes thats right, a CRITICAl update. To me a critical update means a hacker can take over your computer, it will crash on reboot, bluescreen at random times….just like normal. Looking at the details of this patch, it is to replace unacceptable symbols – this is because it contains a swastika logo. Looks like the politically correct brigade have been on the war path again! There is no way this is critical – its a cosmetic patch.
Who makes up these names? Apparently certain bluetooth enabled phones (including mine) are vulnerable to ‘snarfing’ where people can access data from your phone without your consent.
Got an email today confirming that the Metronomy pc, the free one as long as you watched adverts, would be arriving between 15th and 25th April