Cheesy Bread

I wrote the next bit whilst in a restaurant in London earlier this week. Hope you find it as amusing as I did. 

A party or 9 people sat opposite me in the restaurant. “Cheesy bread” said one man. Two seconds later he asks it anyone has seen the cheesy bread. “Cheesy bread”. “Oooh- they have cheesy bread! I know what I’m having” came a second later. At this point I think the whole restaurant knew what he was having……
… after all that fuss, he had salad.

The other good thing is they upgraded my pizza from small to medium. So the entertainment and free pizza made a good evening out. Unfortunately I’m having to spend it in London and work although this does give good opportunities for people watching.

Netsky virus alert from Symantec

Back in the office today after an extended 4 day visit to a customer (which was only scheduled for one day!) I decided to check that the NAV definitions were up to date (which they were) and to double check they would detect the Netsky.B virus. After waiting about 3 or 4 minutes for the list of virus’s that Norton detects (wouldn’t it be nice to have a search function?) to load I was able to confirm it did detect them. I then checked my mailbox and found a letter from Symantec, dated the 18th, which arrived this morning (20th) telling me about the virus. I thought the whole point of these Virus Bulletins was to give you a head start on possible infections, not notification two/three days after you read about it everywhere else and even the 4 year old from next door is asking your opinion on it (not really – hes more like 44 years old)

More SUS 2.0 news

From an email I received this week – “We’re very close to finalizing the plan for the SUS 2.0 beta program. Once final decisions are made, customers chosen to be part of the beta will be notified at the e-mail alias provided in their nomination.
In addition, in response to the tremendous interest in SUS 2.0, we will announce an evaluation program where you will be invited to participate if you are not chosen. Under the evaluation program, you will be able to download and install beta code. Details of this program will be sent to this alias as well as the newsgroups in mid to late March.
We look forward to working with each of you to make SUS 2.0 a tremendous success. If you have questions regarding the SUS 2.0 Beta program please contact us at [email protected]

Perils of running an internet cafe.

The PC that I’m using tonight has a much nicer keyboard. They are running ie6, not service packed, not got the anti-spoof patch (I tested my exploit to see). Norton Internet Security is loaded (but disabled). run and are loaded. Kazaa, MX,p2pnetwork are running. Someone saved their windows messenger password (but they’ve had the sense to since change it). AOL mssenger is loaded and logged in, Perfectnav so that you can’t get to – instead it redirects you to their search engine. (google cache link used so that I can actually get to the page otherwise perfectnav blocks it!) Mozilla is not installed (sob)

Internet access in London

I’m staying in the same hotel that I was at in London a couple of weeks ago and decided that I’d not pay the extortionate rate for the internet access. Instead I’ve popped into a local internet cafe and am enjoying a really naff keyboard that makes it impossible to touch type, especially as the o key does not respond at all well. Still they do nice smoothies though. I did manage to log two of my geocaches that I did when I got to London, although sadly one is a DNF as it looks like its been found by the locals.

WMI ADAP was unable to process….

Sorry Danny, you will definately need to skip this post! One of the PC’s in the office is taking 5 minutes to boot up – this is a fairly new pc and shouldn’t take *that* long to boot. Quick look in eventlog gave me the error “WMI ADAP was unable to process the performance library due to a time violation in the function”. Entering this into Event ID gave me the solution to run winmgmt /clearadap which drops back to a chevron point but reduced login time by 50%. Now to work out what is causing the rest of it (Intel Pro network service seems the next culprit)

Cat pictures

Not our cats, but ones we received by email over the past couple of days. First of all we have the Sunbathing cats and then on the opposite end of the weather, we have a kitten who will do anything to keep warm.
On the down side of things we noticed that our digital camera was broken yesterday where all functions seem to work APART from taking the picture. It will zoom and use the menu’s – just the button doesn’t seem to activate the picture taking 🙁

ra to mp3 solution

Managed to find a solution to convert my 3 hour long real audio file into lots of smaller mp3 files. I originally downloaded Streambox VCR suite which enabled me to record the realaudio stream as one big file. I then used CD Wave from Etree, Etree being one of the sites that I had downloaded concerts from in the past. This enabled me to mark my split points and then save the file into smaller chunks (43 of them!). Then I used my registered copy of Musicmatch to convert from the wav file to mp3 ready to burn onto cd and listen in my Rio mp3 player. It sounds a complicated process but it was actually fairly straightforward.