January Technet

January technet arrived today which I am excited about. If you subscribe to the plus version, which was a free upgrade when I renewed my subscription, you get copies of the latest Microsoft software with the time limits removed so I can now have VirtualPC, Windows2003, SQL Server etc running with no time limits. This will be a big boon in my attempt to get current in my certifications and the addition of VirtualPC means I do not have to have extra hardware lying around the office just for temporary machines. Sounds like a good excuse to upgrade the desktop machine to a nice fast,powerful, lots of disk to run all these virtual machines.

Car serviced and what a suprise….

The car went in for service on Friday and when I drove it on Saturday the brake warning light came on so it was off to the garage AGAIN this morning. I don’t think I’ve ever had the car in the garage where I’ve not had to take it back with another fault the following day. Anyway, this morning they took a look and said it needed a new microswitch for the handbrake (which was strange as the light came on when I used the footbrake). This was replaced and then I was told the car was ok. Sitting in the car, put the foot on the brake and the light STILL came on. Back into the garage and another 45 minute wait whilst they did something (probably replaced the bulb with a faulty one).
I think gateway-peugeout-sucks.com might well be registered soon.

Bad driving.

Neil posted about a woman getting knocked down at a zebra crossing in Bradford. Last night in the space of 10 minutes we were almost in 3 accidents in Congleton.
The first was coming up a steep hill at about 7.30pm and a car came towards us with no lights on. Thankfully they had to stop as there was only room for one car to pass. They couldn’t work out why I was flashing them to turn their lights on and wouldn’t roll down their window so they could hear me saying “put your lights on”. Eventually they got the message.
3 minutes later there was a car parked in the middle of the road outside the shop. As it went to move off, it didn’t bother to look or signal and almost hit the car that was forced to “undertake” it to get by.
Then outside blockbusters a car dropped off a lady passenger who then tried to run in front of our car. The car stopped about 50 yds down the road with no signal but looked like it was stopping. As I overtook it then started to pull out into my path. As I hit the horn the driver jumped in his seat.
Was yesterday “Bradford and Congleton drive like a lunatic day”?

Wot no Water?

You would have thought that with all the rain there would be no problem with water in Congleton, but alas there is a burst water main. NorthWest Water or United Utilities as they are now known, can be contacted at 0845 746 2200 to find out if the problem is known.

Viewing multiple pics in outlook2003

Whenever anyone sends you the latest round of funny pictures or pictures of their new baby and you use outlook, it is a pain to save the files to a location and then open them up into your viewing program. Using the tools at the Office Developer Center: Viewing Multiple Picture Attachments in Outlook 2003, it should be a lot easier to do this. I’ve not tried this yet but will do pretty soon.