Yet again there is a call for mobiles to be banned in the uk whilst driving. Personally I think its a great idea, even though I do use a mobile whilst driving – with the hands free kit. there is not much difference between using that, and talking to someone else in the car and uses less hands than smoking does (which I also think should be banned if phone use is banned) I have seen far too many people driving like a lunatic with a phone to the ear, although with the hands free kit, the dangerous bit is dialing the numbers (unless you have voice activated dialing on the phone)
Interestingly on the Department of Transport’s page, is the following quote “[Employers:]Do not ask your staff to carry out two demanding tasks at the same time. It can be an offence for employers to require employees to use mobile phones while driving – you are asking them to drive while not in proper control of the vehicle[1]. ”