Tag Archives: MP3

Itunes sync of smart playlist podcasts update

I now have my itunes syncing unheard podcasts into a smart playlist – my smart playlist is no longer empty on my ipod. Although I didn’t get a direct answer from a variety of places, Thanks go to GotKnowHow that gave me the final key to getting things to work.
I had to do the following:-

  1. I ended up deleting all of my old podcasts (that has given me a lot of disk space back).
  2. Created/modified my smart playlist called Unheard Podcasts to ensure I have the following set –
    • Playcount is less than 1
    • Kind is MPEG audio file (removes video)
    • Genre is podcast
    • Live updating is on
    • Smart playlist for unheard podcasts in iTunes 9 (by absoblogginlutely)

  3. I selected my ipod in itunes, then the podcasts tab and unchecked “automatically include all unplayed episodes of all podcasts”.
  4. Down the bottom of the screen under “include episodes from playlists” I made sure my “Unheard Podcasts” playlist was selected. Fixing iTunes smart playlist to include my podcasts. (by absoblogginlutely)

After a sync it all seemed to work.
I’m not sure what the final step was, but this combination seems to work.