Tag Archives: browsers

Tabs for Chrome

I recently switched to using Chrome for my primary browser of choice as Firefox was getting too unweidly, would stop responding if the page contained flash, would lose my settings and was just too much of a pain to use. I tried restarting from a fresh profile but it didn’t make much difference.
Initially I was hesitant to switch to Chrome as my Firefox install had a lot of customizations and addons but most of the addons were only nice-to-haves as opposed to essential.
The big drawback to me was the lack of tab management in Chrome. It was a lot harder to see the list of tabs I currently had open and I have a lot! Each new search engine result will result in a new tab as I click a bunch of possible answers throughout the day. At least Firefox had the built in tab dropdown list on the right hand side. Chrome – not so much, but I was able to use the Tabman Tabs Manager and that brought back this feature with a nifty start typing to search the list of tabs.
Today I ran across OneTab that shrinks all your tabs down to one tab that lists all the tabs that were open which has the best advantage in that you now only have one copy of chrome running and don’t have all of the memory associated with those pages. It runs exceedingly fast and has extra features to allow you to lock tab groups (so you can have your gmail, facebook and news site all come up together all the time for example).
Note that the only thing it is not going to do is save your state on the individual pages so take care if you were doing a ton of shopping!