Nasty web page ahead! Clicking

Nasty web page ahead! Clicking on this link makes my Windows98 (fully serviced pack with uptodate patches) reboot! No idea why it does it. At the moment my WindowsXP box is installing NTServer so I can’t test it on that just yet 🙁 Anyone else brave enough to see why it does it? (it also does it in Mozilla too)
Update After a bit of digging, using the SamSpade tool, the above url resolves back to ShopCreator domain which uses cold fusion to power the web server (which has used some sort of tool to export IIS3 webserver pages). Anyway, going to the server also causes the machine to reboot. If I try to get the main page using SamSpade it causes a gpf blue screen complaining about instability in MSTCP.VXD and the pc has to be rebooted manually. – Very weird
Update2Works ok in W2K server,service pack3.