Missed photo opportunity?

The new camera arrived today, a Fuji S5000 zoom. I’m really looking forward to using this as the previous digital camera that we were using had no zoom and it was incredibly frustrating not being able to get some good shots. The camera arrived at lunchtime and I was incredibly self restrained and didn’t wander off to take loads of photo’s. Instead I just loaded the batteries, took a couple of photos and then put it back into its box. The main reason for this is that if I’d started, I wouldn’t have done ANY work this afternoon and the bosses were in today 😉
On the way home I was driving past a field and I saw my first ever fox in daylight, in the field. I immediately grimaced at the missed photo opportunity as there were no places to park safely and by the time I would have got the camera out of its box and in my hands the fox would probably have been long gone. This would have been a superb moment to try out the 10x optical zoom.
Incidentally, to see the difference in zoom levels, the zoomed out picture can be compared with the zoomed in picture. Yes I know its not an inspiring photo, but its the scene out of my window.