I was using my paypal fob to sign into my MovableType 4 test installation and I entered the 6 digit code. I was surprised to see that Verisign rejected it. “That’s odd” I thought until I realised I was holding the fob upside down and the numbers just happened to be readable that way up too! It is obviously too early in the morning to be debugging css code – so sorry Neil!
You were trying to do what?! 🙂 I am the technical director for the PiP/SeatBelt products here at Verisign. PiP is out OpenID provider system and SeatBelt is a cool firefox extension we developed to work with it and other OPs.
You were trying to do what with your MT installation? Unless you have set up your MT to act as a VIP relying party to accept Paypal tokens (which I doubt :-)) that most certainly will not work.
What are you trying to do?
Actually I have set up MovableType to allow authentication through Verisign. At the “enter your number” prompt I was holding the paypal fob upside down and it just so happened that the number could be read upside down to give a valid number, but not one that verisign would recognise. For example 1205 upside down would read as 5021. I just thought it was funny that a real number was produced upside down and that I wasn’t awake enough to realise….it was therefore not a good idea to start coding (or rather debugging) html.
Thanks for the comment though – I really like the seatbelt extension and use it at least weekly.