Kristen booked me in for a driving test tomorrow morning at 9.30 so hopefully we’ll wake up in time (I had a layin this morning). I’ve not done any maneuverability practising yet – that is this afternoons job but hopefully it shouldn’t be too hard. Yesterday I spent a torturous hour watching a video on how to drive which I got out from the library. Unfortunately it was filmed in canada so the guy talks about kilometres an hour for speeds and some of the things he said were wrong. There were also a couple of times that the woman demonstrating the manouvres actually did something wrong (she crossed a “sidewalk” and entered the road and only stopped once – these are meant to be treated as two individual stops.
Also the talking and effects were really cheesy. There is some debate going on about my steering as I now find it very difficult NOT to use the push-pull method of steering that we are taught in the UK, but according to Kristen the hand over hand method is preferred in the states (although a couple of books that I’ve read mention both methods but with push-pull used in certain circumstances).
Kristen also got her new numberplates yesterday – expect to see something on her blog very shortly (as soon as I’ve uploaded the photo)