Grrrrr. Flipside have done a

Grrrrr. Flipside have done a yahoo and now they have also changed their terms and conditions and will now start selling subscribers info unless theygo back and change a setting on their website!

email was:-

Please Read Carefully!
When you signed up to Flipside, you entered a number of personal
details, including your name and address. This information is
essential for Flipside to be able to manage your subscriptions
Our terms of service have changed. Now, unless you inform us to the
contrary, we may use this information to send you offers and promotions
from Flipside, and may also communicate your details to other Vivendi
Universal companies or partners in order to send you offers which we
think will interest you. If you do not wish us to use your details in
such a way, you may change your subscription using the My Account
section on the Flipside site.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 you are entitled to
access all your personal data, and have them rectified or erased, by
sending an e-mail to Flipside UK at the following address:
[email protected].
The Flipside UK Team

Would you Adam ‘n Eve

Would you Adam ‘n Eve it! Woke up yesterday morning to discover we had no water! Kristen’s first thought was to call the plumber back! Checked the water and we had no water. Eventually rang the water company (after having to go online first to get the phone number!) and discovered it would be off until 6pm (turns out it was off until 10pm!) so we had great fun trying not to use the loo all day! Had a nice meal out at a friends house and I had a go at archery – good fun and I have a straight eye – although consistently aiming high. My fingers hurt this morning from pulling the string back though!